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Your POV:

We're currently waiting for Scarlett to return back from her surgery, the one that I caused may I just add. I was sat on the cold white floor in the corner of the room, I wanted to keep myself away from everyone else. Lizzie had just discovered I can't read let alone write, so I don't want to face her right now.

Then there is Scarlett's family and I can't look them in the eye either, but I'm the reason they are all in this situation and that she is hurt, if she had never have known me she wouldn't have gotten hurt. I'm really quite nervous for when Scarlett comes back I hope it went okay, I hope she is okay.

The hospital door opens as a doctor walks through. He steps up in front of everyone, and turns to look at them.

"The surgery went well, the bowel is repaired, but there was severe damage, worse than we thought. I'm not entirely sure how it will turn out in the long run but we will see, I have how that everything will get better. She is still with the feeding tube and breathing tube, the IV is still there, we have added a second one, just to allow us to provide more medicine at once." He finishes, tears start to well in my eyes, I did that.

The doctor then leaves before we could ask any questions or say anything back, he didn't really seem talkative anyway.

Around five minutes later a large group of nurses wheel in a gurney and I quickly realise it's her. It's Scarlett. I stand up in the corner and peer over, she looks so helpless, there is a rather large tube in her mouth, her lips wrap around it. There's also a tube that goes up her nose, which I presume goes down to her throat.

Hunter walks over to me and crouches down. He slowly puts his hand out and I take it softly, he guides me over to Avon the same side as Lizzie. She is holding her hand in both of her own. I look at her and place my hand on her chest, everyone is staring at me but I don't care, I need to feel her heartbeat. I wait until I can feel it and smile brightly when I feel the thud of her heart. I stand there with my hand resting in her chest and look at her face, her eyes closed, lips wrapped around the tube, hair slightly mangled.

I feel a hand squeeze my shoulder, causing me to tense, but I see a woman who looks a lot like Scarlett. She smiles softly and nods her head. I look back over at Scarlett and feel as though I need to say something.

I start to open my mouth trying to get a word out, arguably the most important. I try again and again, nothing is coming out. I grunt as nothing comes out. I look up and everyone gives me an apologetic look. I look away and at Scarlett, I keep trying, I'm going to keep trying. I need to. Tears falling down my cheeks I go for one more try as everyone's with pity in their eyes.

"Mmm m-mm s-sor-ry s-scar-ele-ett,"'the word crumbles out. I immediately let out a sigh of relief.

Everyone looks at me in complete and utter shock. I shrug softly and everyone just slightly laughs at my mood change.

"Your voice is beautiful," Melanie says and everyone nods in agreement.

"That's the second time I've heard her voice, and it's still as beautiful as before." Lizzie says smiling at me.

I look at Scarlett and take a deep breathe, I hope she can hear me that would be amazing, maybe she can forgive me, I hope she can. I sat there with Scarlett, hoping she would wake up, I need her.

Hunter decided to leave and grab some food, he was asking what everyone wanted, but I didn't want to eat, I shouldn't. I looked down and avoided the gaze of others trying to see if no one would spot me not eating anything. But with my luck Melanie takes a glance at me before giving me a stern expression. I quickly look away before she can say anything, or so I thought at least.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now