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Scarlett's POV:

'I'm stood in the park,the exact same spot from the shooting. I was holding Lizzie's hand, just like always. We were stood still when the same man with the mask walked up to us. I instantly stand in front of Lizzie but fail. She rubs out in front of me, pushing my shoulder back with her right hand.

I immediately snap my eyes to look at Lizzie, she has blood oozing out of her stomach. Tears are streaming down my face, 'p-please n-no. Lizzie. Lizzie. Babe please, stay awake for me honey please don't go Lizzie ,' I cried hard begging. Suddenly theres a younger voice, like a teenage girl. My head whips round to looking at the figure.

I quickly realise it's y/n, 'give up you deserve this' she raises the gun towards me to she takes the safety off and stares into her eyes. They show no sign of guilt or remorse. She points the gun right at my stomach and chest area, I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I feel something hard hit my chest, causing me to fall backwards.

I tilt my head down and look at my stomach. Blood gushing out. Why does this seem familiar? Bits it's not quite right.

My eyes flutter shut, but I try and open them again. My eyelids become even heavier as they close again, but permanently, the whole world turns black.

Suddenly I'm sat in a graveyard, there's a headstone, but I can't read the name. It's all blurred out. I try and focus my eyes squinting to see the name.

My eyes train on then name, but it doesn't make sense. The name reads 'Scarlett Johansson, Wife, Mother, Daughter.' Why do I have a grave? I look at the death date and it's the day of the shooting. Did I die? I stand there paralysed unsure what to do.

As I'm stood, a figure walks straight through me. I look up to see Lizzie, but she seems older, with a woman. She has dirty blonde hair. They are holding hands, I have no idea who this bother woman is. I walk around trying to see who it is. As soon as I get a good look at her face I instantly recognise it as y/n. They both have tears flowing down her face.

'It's okay honey, don't worry. You know she loved you.' Lizzie tells her, I walk up to them trying to touch them, but I just flow through like I'm a ghost. 'Babe I'm here, I'm right here! Y/n I'm right here, please god I'm here!' I whine, tears flowing down my face. Lizzie hugs y/n as she rests her head on her shoulder.' Suddenly everything goes black.

Lizzie's POV:

My eyes start to flutter, when I hear shuffling on the bed. Now wide awake I turn to see Scarlett covered in sweat, tossing and turning as she mumble incoherent words.

I sit up and reach for her. I lightly rub her shoulder, though it proves difficult as she keeps rolling. As this method doesn't seem to be working I decide to try another way.

"Babe come on, Scar wake up. It's just a nightmare, it's okay. Please wake up." My begs seem to be unsuccessful as she continues to mumble.

"N-no." She mumbles as she turns away from my hand.

"Lizzie," I think she's waking up.

"I'm here Scar come on wake up," but she continues to toss and turn.

"Stay awake d-don't.. go. Lizzie." She begs, I now understand she's still in the nightmare. I have no idea what to do.

I start to shake her slightly trying to wake her up, but she doesn't change.

It's been nearly fifteen minutes and there's been no change. She keeps mumbling small words or phrases, nothing is making sense. I have no idea how to help her.

"Y/n I-I'm here." She whines again. I have no idea what it's about she never tells me.

I decide to lift her up from the bed and carry her to the shower. With Scarlett in my arms in the shower I turn on the water. The cold water streams down onto the both of us. I shiver at the temperature but keep going. She starts to move less, she slowly stops tossing in my arms.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now