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Your POV:

I shift slightly as I feel a hand going through my hair, the morning sun filtering through. My eyes try to open but I squeeze them shut as the sun is too bright on my eyes.

I roll my head to the side an attempt to open them again. Slowly I manage to open them, only to see I'm on top of Leah, she smiles and continues to rub her hands through my hair.

"Morning," Leah whispered so she didn't wake up willow and Freya.

I lift my head and place a small kiss on her cheek, she giggles at the affection given. We stay together as the continues to hold me. I look over to the other side of the bed to see that the others are slowly rolling over, meaning they must have woken up.

"Mmm what time is it?" Willow groans at us.

"It's eight, we need to get up soon." Freya replies as she rolled off the bed.

Willow soon followed as she also got up and got changed from the spare clothes I had lent them all.  Willow quickly leaves the room and I presume goes into the room will Ellie, Bella and Charlotte.

Five minutes later they all walk in with rather large smiles for this early in the morning. They all giggle at me and Leah who seem to have taken up the rest of the bed.

"Y/n Scarlett and Lizzie want you o come for breakfast." Charlotte says slightly uncomfortable.

I wave them off and stay laid down enjoying the comfort provided. They all leave the room and allow us the peace and quiet we have been waiting for. She kisses my head as I shuffle even further into her hold to keep me warm.

Scarlett's POV:

Me and Lizzie woke up at seven today and let me tell you I'm not happy about it. I was woken up this morning to Lizzie who had her hand rubbing on my ass, I couldn't help but groan as I slowly wake up. I was laying on top of Lizzie with my chest resting on hers.

I groan as I feel her grab my ass again. My head tilts up to a smirking Lizzie who still seems to be grabbing me. Her other hand is rested on my hip.

"Hmp. Babe what are you doing?" I moan slightly towards the end.

"Thought I'd give you a nice way to wake up." She smirks.

We completely forgot that Flo, Cobie and Brie were next door, most likely being able to hear what's going on.

Just as Lizzie was about to grab at my ass again our door swings wide open, Flo, Cobie, Chris and Robert all bombard into the room laughing and talking until they hear me groan again. They all freeze where they're stood with wide eyes. My head whips round and they all start to laugh at me including Lizzie. I punch Lizzie in the chest as she laughs even harder.

"Damn Scar really didn't think you were the bottom." Robert comments causing my to groan and drop my head onto Lizzie's chest.

"We came in to tell you that you have five teenage girls walking around trying to find where the cereal bars are, of which we tried to say there weren't any." Flo laughs as I shuffle the bed cover up further.

"Alright, if you all get out I will make sure this one gets up too, but she won't be up unless you go so we can change." Lizzie laughs as I pout at her.

They all scurry out of the room leaving me and Lizzie laying in bed. I thought she was going to let me sleep but I was definitely wrong, she rolled me off and pushed me onto my side of the bed.

"Come up, we've got to save the food from being demolished." She laughs and stand up from the bed.

I sit up and lean against headboard before also rolling to the side of the bed and grabbing a pair of joggers and one is Lizzie's baggy shirts. We make our way into the kitchen to find the rest of the cast sat at the table with all the girls apart from Leah and y/n. Flo was cooking what seemed to be scrambled eggs and toast.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now