Last scene of the day

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Scarlett's POV:

Everyone is standing on their mark for filming, I get ready to start the scene as I take in my surrounding. As I look around at the kitchen set they have made I see a small body waiting behind the cameras. It's the same girl. I move my focus onto the young girl, where are her parents?
Before I can think anymore I hear someone shout. "Quiet on set!"

I focus myself back on the last scene I'm about to film. We're currently filming the water and flour fight in the kitchen scene. I'm definitely not looking forward to this, in the scene Lizzie and Chris are supposed to team up and attack me, Lizzie is supposed to throw water over me and then Chris with the flour. When I was told about this scene I was not impressed.

In scene~

Natasha is in the kitchen making herself a cup of tea, she's boiling the water. She is unaware of Wanda and Steve standing with water guns and cups of water. She is aware they're in the kitchen but not what they have planned. Before she can do anything Wanda throws the water all over and Steve begins to spray her with a water gun.

Natasha snaps her head at the feeling of the cold water soaking her clothes. She gasped as Wanda sprays her in the face with one of the water guns. Wanda smiles and laughs as she sees Natasha stood in shock. Steve continues to spray her as well.

Once they have both ran out of water they begin to try and find other throng to throw at each other. Natasha has begun to move again, she grabs the tap nozzle and points it at Wanda.

Wanda gasps as the feels the continuous stream of water aimed at her. Natasha laughs as Wanda gasps in surprise. Wanda runs away and comes back with Steve seconds later. They're both holding two containers of flour. Natasha gives Wanda a pointed look. She ignores the warning and throws the flour over Natasha and it sticks to her, covering her clothes, face and hair in flour.

Steve and Wanda back away, Steve then escapes upstairs avoiding the retaliation of Natasha. Wanda gulps.

"Baby I'm sorry, you look adorable though," Wanda whispers, mumbling the last part of her sentence.

"First off I'm not adorable, second of all your sleeping on the fucking couch. I might have to punish you for this later." Natasha says with fake anger, making Wanda feel guilty.

Wanda pouts at Natasha but slowly nods her head. She walks over to Natasha and grabs her hand and leads her to the bathroom.

End of scene~

The director shouts "CUT!" Lizzie instantly grabs my hands and pulls me into a hug. Squeezing me tight as I shiver due to how cold the water is. Flour consumes my body.

"Baby I'm sorry please don't be mad at me," Lizzie begs rubbing my back.

"I-it's aright I-I'm j-just cold," I stutter as I shiver even more.

"Can we have a blanket over here please?" Lizzie shouts noticing my coldness. I smile at her as she grabs the blanket provided and wraps it around my body.

"Come on let's get you in the shower." Lizzie says into my ear as she hugs me again.

"Hang on ma'am, Mrs Johansson we need the wig to be cleaned." A man says, although I have no idea who he is if I'm honest.

I wait for my wig to be taken before I take Lizzie's hand and we walk towards our trailer. Luckily the set is pretty close to the trailers, only a five minute walk maximum. Lizzie holds me in a side hug as we walk, she keeps apologising for the scene. Sometimes her anxiety can get the best of her, she thinks I'm mad at her. Im definitely not mad at her. Although maybe slightly at the writers for this one.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now