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Scarlett's POV:

As we're walking towards the gate I look over to y/n who has not stopped grinning the whole time. I have to admit we have kept her pretty busy, meaning she hasn't been able to see Leah at all. She couldn't hold off the grin on her face as she was practically jumping on the spot.

After five minutes we saw a group of girls getting off the bus, they all kind of looked around until they saw mea and y/n stood on the outside of the gate. Leah instantly started running towards her without saying anything, she instantly grabbed y/n around the waist, picked her up and swung her around.

Leah kissed her on her forehead which caused y/n to go bright red. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the cute gesture.

The rest of the girls make their way over and join in on the rather large hug. As I look over the girls, they all have rather dirty clothes and holes in their shoes, I have to do something about it. I wouldn't want any child to be in clothes that have holes in. They could get cold or get an illness.

After a minute or two they all release each other and y/n leads them over to me as she holds Leah's hand. A couple of the girls look up at me with a confused look.

"Hi girls I'm Scarlett, y/n has told me lots about you. Why don't you follow me through the gate." They all nod and follow. Y/n has her hand tightly holding Leah's as she walks slightly quicker and comes into line with me before reaching and taking my hand with her one free hand.

"Thank you Mrs Johansson for doing this, any donation would be amazing help." Leah says with a big smile, much like the one y/n gets whenever she gets to try something new and likes it.

"Absolutely no problem honey."

We continue to walk in silence and I make sure the gate is closed so that no one can get in, the rest of the girls are looking around in awe of the houses. I hope they like the house, it hasn't been cleaned.

After walking for a while, a little slower than on the way here may I add, due to the girls staring at all the large homes in the area. We finally arrive home.

"Here we are, if you want to put shoes and jackets in the hallway." I turn around to see Leah and all the other girls are stood outside just staring at my home.

"Y/n honey what's wrong?" I ask her as she seems to understand. She takes her phone out and replies.

"They have never been allowed in a house this big before. Not used to being allowed near the house. Give them a minute." At the sound of that, my heart breaks a little.

Y/n walks over to Leah and whispers something into her ear. Leah soon unfreezes and smiles at her, she has blushed a little bit however.

"Come on guys, they have heating in here apparently!" They all go wide eyed and begin to quickly make their way inside.

I notice that none of them have coats, that won't do, I know it's not always cold but they still need coats or at least a jacket or something.

I step through and smile as they all have their jaws hung low as they look around my home, I guide them into the living room where everyone is sitting.

"So guys sat down we have Robert, Chris, Florence, Cobie, Brie, Jeremy and my wife Elizabeth." They all wave and smile as the kids stare in astonishment.

"Your the avengers... what? Woah." One of the girls with brown curly hair says as she hides slightly at the back.

"Then this is Leah everyone" I say point to the girl who is yet again holding y/n's hand.

"Hi erm yeah I'm Leah, then we have Ellie is 16 who is the short one, Bella is the girl who has brown curly hair shes 17, Freya is the taller one with straight blonde hair shes 16, Charlotte is 17 and is the one next to Freya and lastly is willow shes 17 too." Leah introduces all of the girls, I am rather intrigued, the girls all seem lovely.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now