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Your POV:

We are all sat in the hair and make up trailer as mom and mama get ready for work, right now mama is getting her wig on and she looks really different, it's not like her usual ones, she's had blonde, and then red hair with it like super short, mid length, long and all sorts but this one is really nice, it's different but nice.

Me and Leah are say just chatting with everyone, occasionally teasing the pair as they take so long to get their hair done. When none other than Chris Evans walks thought the trailer door, he smile as he walks over to Scarlett giving her a big hug. The three of them start talking, seemingly forgetting about me and Leah being in the room. I turn to Leah and she is already watching me, I think she could tell I was upset about being ignored as she gestured for me to join her on her lap. I jumped up and almost leaped into her lap, enjoying the comfort of being so close.

Leah starts running her fingers through my hair soothingly, providing me with comfort which I didn't know I needed. The three of them all stand up and make their way out of the trailer, clearly forgetting about me and Leah. I look over to the stylists in the room and they are all giving us sympathetic smiles. I just shake it off as Leah stands up with me still in her arms and makes our own way out of the room. She takes us straight to the trailer we were using and we just laid on the couch, holding each other close.

All I wanted was to properly watch them work, I just wanted to see them work but I guess that's not what they wanted. I can't help the lonely tear that falls from my eye. I roughly wipe it away, not wanting to show how much something so petty has upset me.

"Y/n it's alright, their just busy and probably haven't seen each other in a long time." I nodded my head agreeing that it was a reasonable excuse.

I felt a large, soft blanket being placed over my body, making me feel even sleepier. I can feel my eyes gradually closing shut as I let sleep consume me.

Leah's POV:

I watch as y/n slowly falls asleep in my arms. I know how excited she was to watch Lizzie and Scarlett work, it must be upsetting when they forget you and go off to work not even thinking about her. As soon as I see them both I am going to give them a piece of my mind, I don't care if they kick me out I can find somewhere to stay. But they really upset her and I'm going to tell them.

After watching her peacefully sleep I can't help but fall asleep myself, enjoying each others company. I make sure not to let my grip on y/n loosen at all.

Time skip~

I feel the weight on top of me shift, I open my eyes to y/n practically rolling side to side whilst still on top of me. I try and comfort her, rubbing her back to get her to settle again but nothing seems to be working.

"P-please. Pease d-don't go." I don't know who she's asking not to leave but it's breaking my heart. Not only is she talking but she is doing it in her sleep, I know she wouldn't want to speak in front of me or anyone like this.

"Mama no, pease no. Pease don't l-leave." I instantly notice the mispronunciation of some of the words. I gently rub her back again, but a bit harder this time trying to wake her up from her obvious nightmare.

"Mama, mommy don't l-leave me y-you promised." I instantly know what's she's dreaming about, she's having a nightmare because she thinks Scarlett and Lizzie are going to leaver her again. This is all their fault, they need to come and fix this.

I lightly tap y/n's face, desperate to wake her up. Which thankfully works as she shoots up to a sitting position and gasps for air. back to rubbing her back whispering sweet nothingness into her ear, trying to calm her down.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now