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Scarlett's POV:

After y/n had finished her FaceTime with Leah, we were leaving the park and were walking back home so we could grab the Range Rover. Me and Lizzie decided we should buy her some more clothes, more practical ones at that.

I was driving which is a first since the park, so I was a bit nervous, Lizzie was sat next to me. I could tell she knew I was nervous. She gave me a small smile of reassurance as I buckled up. I looked behind and saw that y/n had buckled her seatbelt up. I then looked over to Lizzie and stared at her seatbelt, which was also done up.

I sat back straight, and stared forward. My hands rested on the steering wheel, I turned the key on the car and pull out of the drive. As I'm driving I focus on the road, making sure to keep an eye out for other cars.

We decided to go to a small shopping centre to try and avoid the paparazzi. After twenty minutes we arrive at the car park, I pull in and park the car. As soon as I step out I rest my hands on my knees and release a rather loud sigh in relief. I feel a hand on my shoulder, as a form of comfort, I turn my head and see y/n with a soft smile.

"Thanks honey." I whisper, and stand back up tall as I look around. I take her hand in mine, she tenses for a second before relaxing in my grasp.

I look over at Lizzie who points towards the shops. I nod and guide her over.

Time skip~

We spent four hours shopping before heading home, we just pulled into the garage and were climbing out of the car. I go to the door and unlock it, as we go inside I place the bags on the counter in the kitchen.

I look at the time and see it's time for some food. I sigh and reach over to my new drawer. We decided to keep everything in a drawer so I could know where everything is. I take out the pouch and set it onto my little metal hanger, it's about half the size, so it's easier to store, it does raise higher though. I attach it to my tube and open up the lead, I see the food flow through and settle down.

Lizzie walks in and smiles at me softly before sitting down beside me. She wraps her arm around my shoulder and softly kisses my cheek.

"Babe, I know you don't want to but we have a meeting tomorrow. It's a new marvel movie honey, but erm I can take out the tube if you would like me to." My eyes close tight as I think about my colleagues seeing me like this.

I have no idea what I want to do. I am going to have to use it around them anyway, so if I show them now, they can fire me if needed and it won't hurt me as much.

"I'll erm I will keep it in thanks. Might as well show it now I guess so they know what they are dealing with." I mumble as I fiddle with my fingers again.

"Oh babe. Your so brave for showing them, but your not something to be dealt with, that's not how it is." I nod and tilt my head into her side.

We sat together until y/n walks into the room and climbs onto our lap. This is definitely new, I smile and rub my hand up and down her arm, holding her close as Lizzie does the same. We hug each other on the couch for a while.

As lay I see Lizzie and y/n falling asleep so I stroke one of my hands on y/n's shoulder, and the other on Lizzie's lower thigh.

After half an hour my food bag is empty and it's around ten at night. I disconnect my tube and hang it over my ear, then secure it on my chest so it can't move. I take the bag off the hanger and put it away. I lower the hanger and store it in the draw again. All whilst having two people laying on me.

Once I'm organised I lightly stroke Lizzie's face and to wake her up. She slowly comes around and flutters her eyes open. She groggily opens her eyes and looks up at me with a sparkle in her beautiful green eyes.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now