New home

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Your POV:

My bag is on the end of my mattress, I don't know if I want to stay here to be honest. There's a timetable in the hallway which has everyone's chores and if I'm honest there's a lot, I am doing about 50% of them all and there are eight other kids. Im meant to clean the bathrooms, hoover, dust and finish the gardening.

I then also have school I'm meant to go to but there's no point in that. Then on top of that I have cleaning for set, which is my only way of income.

I learnt the man who runs the orphanage is called Dave. He seems kind of weird to me, I haven't met who I'm sharing a room with because they are at school. They finish at 4pm, meaning I have an hour. I don't want to unpack because I don't know what space is mine, all though I only have a pair of jeans and some shirts so I don't really see the point. I walk down stairs and find Dave sat on the sofa.

I look around trying to find the cleaning and eventually find a cupboard under the staircase which has everything inside. I take out all the cleaning stuff and begin my list, I want to get it done so I don't have to worry about it.

"Hey you, whatever your name is come here!" Dave shouts from the sofa causing me to snap my head round.

I walk over to him and stand in front. He stands up and walks closer to me. He raises his hand and caresses the side of my cheek, he smiles as he rubs it. I turn my face slightly away but he pulls it back. I look up with fear in my eyes, I feel so uncomfortable. He slowly lowers his hand away from my face, and smirks.

"Hello, you can call me sir. Make sure you finish your chores there are consequences if not. And you start public school tomorrow, Leah who is 17 will show you around," he says as he stares down at my chest. I nod in agreement and try to turn away but he grips onto my wrist hard.

"I've heard you have spoke before why not now?" I shake my head, that's only for when I feel fully comfortable with someone and even then it's super hard.

He lets go of my wrist and I bow my head as a goodbye before walking away. I can feel a panic attack coming on, I need to hide or find a room where he can't hear. I do into the bedroom I'm staying in and shut the door. Tears start to stream down my face and my breathe gets lighter. I'm struggling to breath. I start to gasp for air, I reach for my elephant which I still have, Lizzie was kind enough to look after it. I ran Ellie and hold her tight against my chest, she has the smell of Lizzie and slightly of Scarlett, it comforts me until my breathing gets back to normal.

Suddenly the door opens and I look up, there are three girls stood there with an odd look, somewhat pity but also a slight bit of annoyance.

"I'm guessing your the new girl, I'm Leah and 17." She says before walking off. Another girl walks up to me and smiles

"Freya and 13, and that Charlotte she's 11." She says then walks into the room, the younger girl follows.

They both seem nice I guess. They walk around the room and place their bags down.

"Do you speak or no?" Leah questions with a bit of attitude. I shake my head in reply.

"Leah don't be like that she's new." Freya says giving Leah a glare. Leah sighs and looks over at me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." I nod in agreement and smile softly.

"You are super pretty!" I think her name is Charlotte says with a smile. I nod in reply and look down, my cheeks blush softly.

"Aww look she's blushing, she's kinda cute." Leah says smirking, my head snaps up in surprise and I turn a bright red.

"Look Leah, she is adorable." Freya laughs, i frown at her, i am not adorable.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now