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Lizzie's POV:

It's the next day and we haven't heard from the police, meaning there's been no progress. She's all alone, I feel like I have to care for this child, I'm not entirely sure why.

Me and Scarlett are currently cuddling on the sofa, we're trying to comfort each other. It's almost dinner, but neither want to cook so takeaway it is. We decide on Thai food, as it's my favourite. As we're waiting for it to arrive Scarlett is constantly checking her phone. I tried to tell her they will ring if they have made any progress or news. But there doesn't seem to be any at all.

The takeaway has just arrived, when my phone starts ringing. Our heads snap towards it and I run over to answer the call.

"Hello, is this Elizabeth Olsen?" The voice on the phone asks.

"Yes this is she." I quickly put my phone on speaker so Scarlett can hear as well.

"Hello I'm Hank Voight, I am in charge of the detective unit that are handling your case. We believe we have managed to find the documents of the missing child. We need you to come in and confirm that it is the same child." The raspy voice over the phone says.

"Yes of course when would you like us to come down?" I ramble before I can even think what's leaving my mouth.

"Could you come down in an hour?" I look at Scarlett and she nods.

"Yes we'll be there." I say confidently.

I end the call and turn to Scarlett, she had a new look in her eyes, one that seems to be of hope, the sparkle in her eyes is slowly coming back. We both at down and quickly eat the takeaway before leaving the house and heading to the police station. As we're driving, Scarlett keeps looking out of her window, watching people as we drive past them.

Once we arrived at the station we walked up to the receptionist, and said our names. The lady at the desk tells us to wait in the waiting room, and an officer would bring us through. We sat down and held hands, my hand on top of Scarlett's as my fingers are laced in hers. A man walks through the doors and looks around the waiting room, I look at him hoping he's here for us.

"Johansson and Olsen?" He says to the waiting room, we jump out of our seats and both shake his hand.

"Hello I'm Sargent Voight. I'm in charge of your case, we have the whole intelligence unit working on the case." He says as we walk through the doors and up to the top door. He swipes his ID card and allows us through.

"Thank you sir." I say while looking around. There are six desks with different names on, I recognise two of them as the two officers who can and answered our call, they are who we talked to first, I don't recognise the rest. We walk through and into a private investigation room. On the table are what seems to be a collection of paper files as well as a laptop.

"We have found out information on who we believe is y/n, we just need you to approve the picture first. Now remember this would have been her from a few years ago." He takes out a picture from the file and turns the picture over. Straight away I recognise that as y/n.

"Yes that's her." Scarlett says in an excited but also nervous tone. He nods his head.

"Okay great, we have a full ID on the girl, now since she fell out of the system and has no guardian, it's has by default lead to you two as communication, is that okay?" He questions without looking away from his laptop that he's typing on.

"Yes that's fine."

"Great, I presume you want to know some more about her." He questions raising an eyebrow and looking up at us. We both nod our heads and look at him waiting for him to continue.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now