Happy ending

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Lizzie's POV:

As soon as y/n finished her sentence my heart broke all over again, I can't believe she wanted to do something for me and Scarlett but it just caused her more pain, I caused her more pain. Tears instantly welled up in my eyes at the thought of it.

I made sure to hold y/n's hand, squeezing it tight. I notice the tears that are slowly starting to fall from Scarlett as well, the room stays silent as me and Scarlett take in what y/n has just said. The guilt is overwhelming, drastically overwhelming.

After a while I manage to gather myself, I go to say something but I feel someone talon my arm causing my head to look up. I see that it was Scarlett who had tapped me, she pointed to y/n and I see that she has fallen asleep, she must be so tired at the moment. I keep quiet and let her sleep, but look over to Scarlett. I think we need a fresh start, somewhere new. Where there is no Leah, no creepy men and no streets where y/n used to live. We need to move, or at least stay at one of the different homes me and Scarlett have. Maybe we could go to England for a while? I have a house there in Birmingham, it's big enough for us, y/n can do school work online.

All that's stopping us is work, me and Scarlett still have quite a lot to film left, meaning a few more months until we could possible. Would they want to move? I mean our entire family is here, our friends it would be a big move? No I doubt Scarlett would want to move country. My thoughts are broken when I Scarlett whispers to me.

"What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours then?" I look at as if I'm surprised, she has always been able to read me like a book.

"Nothing just some stupid idea in my head." I mumble not wanting to tell her, I don't want to upset her.

"Don't do that my love, nothing you think of is stupid. What was your idea." She pushes further, clearly wanting to know what I was thinking about.

"Okay, we'll I erm we'll I was just thinking how so much has been going on and I just had the stupid idea that we could maybe move but with work and everything it doesn't matter anyway, don't worry." I stumble on the words not wanting to say anything.

"Oh babe, I don't think that's a stupid idea, I think it's a great idea, we have so many homes around the world, we could stay wherever you would like. Where were you thinking? California?" I look down at my fingers unsure as to how to reply.

"Well I was thinking maybe erm what do you think about England?" I say barely above a whisper.

"Oh wow, that's quieter far away," she says, as though running it through her head.

"Don't worry it was stupid as I said, ignore me." But Scarlett's head shoots up in surprise and stands up, she makes her way over to me and pulls me initials a hug.

"Liz, where is this coming from? You are definitely not stupid honey." I can't help but snuggle in closer to Lizzie, as her touch is so comforting.

"I just, it's all my fault. If I hadn't of been so stupid and ignored y/n then we wouldn't be trying to make it up to her. Then she wouldn't feel bad that we haven't had any alone time, sos he would t have tried to plan the picnic. Then Leah wouldn't have hurt her." I cry letting it all out.

"Oh Lizzie, it's not either of our faults that Leah did that honey, we had no idea that she could do something like that to y/n, I feel guilty too but you are not stupid, and I think staying in England for a while sounds like a good idea." She says softly, rubbing my cheekbone with her thumb.

Time skip~

Y/n's POV:

It's now two years since the incident with Leah, mom and mama had moved us away and we have been staying in England which has been lovely. We've got a lot closer with each other, which I didn't think was possible. I'm now 18, which means I'm an adult, buts it's been great. I have been acting for a little believe it or not, I'm forming in a movie with marvel, with mama and mom. I love it, we spend so much time time together.

Mama and mom are doing well, mama has been really well as she doesn't need her feeding tube anymore and is back to how she was before completely which is great. Mom has been a lot happier since we left over a year ago, her anxiety has lowered and she doesn't have anxiety or panic attacks as much now, although I had no idea they were happening so often in the first place.

I'm healthy and everything as well, after the incident it took a while to come back from it but it was okay. There was a court hearing for that day, she ended up with 18 years in prison, she received 15 for attempted murder and then 2 for assault and 1 for abuse. I must admit I wasn't sure at first about the murder charges but when they read the description, it was pretty clear of what happened. She tried to apologise to me but I didn't say anything, I couldn't look at her.

After that day, the nightmares hat slowly started to slow down, I think that I knew she couldn't come near me was the reason. I can now read and write fully, it took me a long time so figure out how to spell, with the frustrating silent letters and all but I did it and I am so glad.

Mama and mom are doing this movie and then they're going to take a break from acting, I was surprised when they said they were taking a break but if they want to then I won't stop them.

I guess you could say we had a happy ending in the end, it all turned out okay. I am forever grateful they both took me in and adopted me, I did cuss them a lot of drama but they both said they would do it all over again, even Scarlett said she would get hurt all over again if it meant that I could stay with them so I am glad they are my moms.


This is the final chapter, I may come with a sequel so keep an eye. I am starting to write a new book, so if there are any requests make sure to ask. Thanks for reading.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now