Inspection day

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Your POV:

I have been staying at the same house as Leah, Freya and Charlotte. Me and Leah have been sharing a bedroom again, but this time I have a bed but I still struggle to sleep so I end up with Leah most nights.

When I found out I was invited to the party for Scarlett, but I have no idea why I was. I decided to go, it was the least I could do for her. As the night went on they started to play a game, I knew I wasn't going to be involved so I sort of just zoned out. That was until Chris asked me. I was so excited I was asked to be involved. When he dared me to drink a shot I laughed inside. I guess they don't really know much about me, so whilst Scarlett and Lizzie were saying how I shouldn't drink alcohol, I just drank two shots.

Once I had finished they all looked at me with such confusion, I mean I know it was slightly odd but I know my way around alcohol because of Boss.

Anyway the part had finished and I decided it was best for me to head home. I made my way home and climbed into the window, once I arrived I was surprised to see Leah still awake.

She turns to and smiles wide when I look up, unsure what to do I just stand there frozen.

"Hey, how was the party?"

I shrug but give her a thumbs up in response. Although I am rather unsure as to why she is up right now. I give her a questioning look, which she seems to understand.

"I wanted to make sure you got home safe, didn't want something to happen. Plus I don't I think I would be able to sleep without knowing your safe." My cheeks go a bright red as I blush hard.

"Hey why don't you change and join me." I nod my head and grab some shorts and a sports bra.

I change in the corner of the room facing away from Leah, not wanting to expose myself. Once I am changed I make my way over to Leah, I climb into the bed and lay on my side to face her. When she sees it she smiles and turns to face me too.just as I thought we couldn't get any closer she pulls me in tight. Our faces were so close, almost touching, our legs mixed together. My breath catches at the movement.

My forehead rests against hers, our arms wrap around each other in comfort. I smile, this is the most comfort I have felt in a long time.

"Is this okay?" She whispers to me.

I nod my head as she looks up at me, our gazes meet until I feel her kiss the side of my face, she kissed my temple. I blush even harder, an able to stop it. She looks at me and giggles before leaning our foreheads together.
My eyes start to flutter from tiredness, so i let my eyes flutter closed.

"Night cutie," I hear Leah mumble just then everything goes quiet and I fall into a quiet slumber.

Lizzie's POV:

I wake up the next morning to something poking the side of my face, I open my eyes to a bright light, only to see Scarlett poking me.

"Whattt?" I grumble at her.

"I need to pee," I can't help but laugh, she gives me a serious look. I control my laughter and sit up.

"Come on then." I move up and around the bed, I place a had around her hips to make sure she doesn't fall, or dare any stitching.

Once she is up and walking I follow her into the bathroom. And wait outside the door to give her a bit of privacy. Deciding to fill the silence I start talking.

"We have the house inspection today. I'm really nervous, what would be wrong, I can't think of anything in the house that wouldn't be safe or meet a requirement." I say through the door.

Scarlett johansson/Elizabeth olsen x reader (adopted)Where stories live. Discover now