(section 17) training lesson #8: zoids

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The instructors and rookie agents arrived at hanger b-2 with blade liger and command wolf inside their station as Luke cis pad begins explain to them, "listen up maggots! Your training lessons is about zoids. The heads of section decided to make metallic life form known as zoids since last year. They possess powerful fighting capabilities against tatus republic." They're very surprised to see zoids for first time in section 17 ever and they hope going to use them tomorrow or next weekend as ricky montage begins to speak, "we got two captain of blade liger and command wolf squadrons here today to meet." They heard couple of feet stepped entered hanger from miles away when they turned their heads to the right see rin kanzaki & 23 yrs old Lucas from sandgem town, sinnoh region in Pokemon original universe.

Riza: "this is rin kanzaki and Lucas, the captains of blade liger and command wolf squadrons."

Rin smug expression: "so you all must be fresh meat of Rookies what Mr. Pad taking about, huh. I gotta say you look pretty tasty as rookies."

Lucas: "you said it, Rin. Yummy."

Apple bloom: "(thought) they're pretty scary as pinkie pie and midnight sparkle combine."

Rin: "anyway, you all stand and watch to see zoids really work at empty field far from bonesborough in owl house universe 2 during after school, sounds good."

Cadets: "yes ma'am."

Rin: "good."

Section 44 at 4:31 am

Both gecko kuro and mayor mare arrive at section 44 in Webby venderquack original universe as Mayor mare said to gecko with kindness, "welcome to section 44, my friend. It's day and night underground government facility underneath the whole duckberg like the other sections."

Gecko: "pretty impassive."

"Hello there."

They spotted kind Commander Theo magath from aot universe 5 along with Tien and Georgia approach them as commander magath begins to speak kindly at gecko kuro, "I'm Theo magath, the commander of Marley and section 44 detective." Gecko replied, "section 44 detective?"

Tien: "yes sir, they still working on the case about ash Ketchum kidnapped by ravees at the airport before his mother and Mr. Mime got killed by deadshot."

Gecko pretend shock to hear that and said, "good heavens, I hope you all find that young lad very soon, detective." Commander magath replied, "we will sir. Oh my boss want us to give you a tour at the whole section 44 because she still asleep at her place and be here at 8:15 am though."

Gecko: "sounds good, detective."

[New chapter is out for today]

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