unexpected surprise

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During after school with every students exit the building toward front entrance heading home or hanging out at school for a while including Serena exit the gate was about to heading to discount store but notice sad Fuecoco standing right next fire hydrant then she begins approach him and said, "what's wrong little dude, you can't find your trainer." Fuecoco nodded his head to agree with her and she continues to speak again with kindness, "don't worry buddy, we find your trainer and reunited after that. We should check Vermillion city Pokemon center first." Both of them turn left begins walking on the sidewalk straight to Pokemon center to find fuecoco 'Pokemon trainer' so they reunited but she didn't know there's two coven guards standing building rooftop who been watching them this whole time.

Coven guard place comlink on mouth and said, "fire bee took the bait, repeat, fire bee took the bait." A person inside comlink begins to speak with pieck voice inside the comlink, "roger that." Another coven guard said to his friend with a smile inside the mask, "oh oh, we got her for good."

In hour later

Both of Serena and fuecoco arrived at Pokemon center so they can find his trainer when they arrived at the center to see no one there it's completely empty make Serena confused for a minute when she heard automatic doors locked behind her by someone and turned around to see serious mr. Smith, Levi, nanaba, and Ms. Hange blocked the entrance so she can't escape.


She look back at the counter again to see detective looker, Damian, sara, section 44 detectives, nanaba, Pikachu, nuzleaf, zappy,  fuecoco, Jessica, Lexi bunny, and viglinate mode standing behind the counter, then suddenly ten section 44 Armored agents come out from both entrance to the lobby aim their weapons at Serena and it's a trap for her this whole time as Reiner Braun said to her with serious, "Serena Yvonne, your under arrest for murder, kidnapped, and buried the bodies you just murdered."

Detective looker: "we take you back to asylum in kalos region so doctor burns cured you to be normal girl."

Then suddenly they heard evil laugh from Serena for reason that echo the whole center make the other confused when she look up at them with evil expression on her face and said, "you fools think that easily to arrest me so think again because I got new friends will help me to escape."

Nanaba: "like who kid?"

Serena: "this."

She snap her finger for eleven shadow appeared on the floor to surround her in a circle begins rose up from the floor begins morph into shadowkhans that's shocked the group.

Viglinate: "no way it couldn't be."

Lexi: "how even possible."

Serena: "so long suckers.

She look at seven shadowkhans in left side with sly grin on her face, " Take care of them." They agree with her when another one place his hand on right shoulder begins sinking down into darkness along with rest of shadowkhans after that they vanished  to leave seven shadowkhans with them

Mr. Smith: "woah!"

Jessica: "I didn't see that coming."

Reiner: "what the hell are those things."

Lexi: "it's shadowkhans."

Reiner: "shadowhat?"

They spilt up in groups straight to levi, Mr. Smith, mrs. Hange, and nanaba at the entrance and the others at the counter for attack until.

"Yu mo gui gwai fai di zao."

They stopped attacking to heard that chant by someone as the group turned their heads to the right to see viglinate holding green chi glowing dead stiff salamander on his hand who doing the chant as he continues it while hopping with one leg, "yu mo gui gwai fai di zao, yu mo gui gwai fai di zao, yu mo gui gwai fai di zao, yu mo gui gwai fai di zao." Make shadowkhans disappear in thin air from green chi magic and Lexi said to the group in fear, "captain venderquack won't be happy about what we saw today."

Vigilante: "you said it partner, ah scared in mah boots right now."

Reiner: "what's going on here guys?"

Ms. Hange: "yeah."

Lexi: "we explain you guys at the hanger with captain venderquack and the rest."

[New chapter is out for today]

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