vs tera raging beak

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Both bon bon and tidal walking together on the sidewalk in their winters clothes with bon-bon looking at wild tera pokemon GPS on her rotom phone because it said to them about another wild tera pokemon somewhere in a minute ago at chs.

Tidal: "what kind of wild tera pokemon going to be? Probably it's past or future paradox pokemon from area zero."

Bon-bon: "maybe you're right tidal. Probably it's past or future paradox pokemon who affected with terastal phenomenon.'

Pokedex: "wild tera pokemon has been spotted at crystal prep academy  from couple miles away."

Bon-bon: "perfect."

In a couple of hours later, they arrived at crystal prep academy parking to see several students from across the way so they enter the parking lot with them who staring at them with cold stare when suddenly a huge cast shadow above them in 7 feet away as pokedex begin to speak again, "wild tera pokemon is above crystal prep academy right now." They look up in the sky to see wild tera pokemon is above them become scared to see wild tera pokemon is Staraptor past paradox form, raging beak.

He flying down toward middle of parking lot to made perfect landing with talons touched it and begin staring at them from 9 feet away with menacing stare

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He flying down toward middle of parking lot to made perfect landing with talons touched it and begin staring at them from 9 feet away with menacing stare.

Lemon zest: "dude! That bird is huge."

Heavenly: "yeah."

Tera shard rose up from the pavement to absorb it for a second and shards broken into pieces to reveal 19th tera shard crown appear on top of its head and begin power up with energy after that.

Tidal: "aw man."

Bon-bon: "crap! It's 19th tera shard crown again."

Indigo: "the what!?!"

Bronze: "come again.'

An magical medium size purple portal show up in 2½ away right next to them begin open up reveal section 44 Northwest corridor with chitsoe, hop, tien, yamcha, and Lexi Bunny come out through the portal toward the group as tidal said to them, "hey guys, welcome to the party."

Chitsoe: "thanks kid, this party going to be sweet."

The trio pulled pokeball in their hands begin toss it in the air and called out their pokemon.

Bon-bon: "it's showtime, kleavor!"

Hop: "you too, clodsire!"

Chitsoe: "let's go, machop!"

They come out from their pokeball to parking lot having pokemon against Terastallized past paradox pokemon including tien and yamcha flew up a second and stop above them at 5 feet away.

Bon-bon: "use aerial ace!"

Chitsoe: "use dynamic punch!"

They running straight to Terastallized past paradox pokemon with their attacks until raging beak fire shadow ball and pin missile.

Bon-bon/chitsoe: "dodge it!"

They dodge it on both directions from the attack quick and still toward paradox begin delivered their attacks with direct hit and super effective cause almost medium halfway critical damage then both of tien and yamcha fire small of kai blasts straight to paradox pokemon quick cause medium half quarter damage.

Lone: "alright way to go guys."

Hop: "use sludge bomb!"

He hurls unsanitary sludge at raging beak to inflicted damage and also may getting  poisoned after that.

Tien: "good thinking kid."

Yamcha: "yeah, using sludge bomb at raging beak getting poisoned."

Suri: "alright, it can't anything to deliver the attacks."

Bon-bon: "use x-scissor!"

Chitsoe: "use charging bagon cracks walnut!"

Their attacks combined straight toward raging beak quick is super effective and heavily critical damage caused tera shattered for poison raging beak to normal with dizzy, on cue for bon-bon pull out heal ball in right hand begin throw it toward poison raging beak amd stop being floating in mid-air, it begin started captured raging beak went inside heal ball who's falling down on the ground and start locked past paradox pokemon inside.

Lemon: "radical."

Bronze: "haha, way to go wondercolt."

Bon-bon: "alright I caught raging beak!"

Both tien and yamcha high five each other in their victory against raging beak with 19th tera shard crown.

"Congratulation brat."

They turned their heads to the right see captain Levi and commander pyxis from aot universe 5 standing behind the portal when they approach the group as bon-bon said to them in kindness, "you two must be captain Levi Ackerman and commander dot pyxis from aot universe 5, right." Commander pyxis replied, "correct my dear. We join captain arlelt and captains fry & leela section 20."

Tidal: "welcome to the team, guys."

Captain Levi: "thanks brat."

Bronze: "(thought) boy, he's very grumpy all the time."

[New chapter is out for today]

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