(section 17) lesson #9: zoid testing

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Owl house universe 2 at 4:20 pm

On top of the hill with cadets and instructors sitting or standing watching two zoids with riza and Lucas setting up their zoids for testing out on two broken down vehicles.

"Greetings my friends."

They turned around to see Atticus and mela approach them as scootaloo said to them with kindness, "hey guys, you wanna join us to watch zoid destroyed the vehicles." Atticus replied, "yup."

Luke: "that's wonderful."

Riza look through binoculars to see coven guard who look at them to give thumb up that's mean they're ready and begin lower binoculars down to look at them with a smile, "they're ready." Luke nodded his head and look at the cadets, "watch and learn cadets." Both command wolf and blade liger started with powerful howl that echo the whole field that's surprised them bit and mela said to them, "wow those zoids are great Mr. Pad."

Luke: "thank you kiddo."

Both command wolf and blade liger running straight to two broken vehicles really fast in 305 km/h, when blade liger stop in front of one broken vehicle on cue for rin rise one paw up with strike claw come out begin striking it down with one strike that's surprised everyone until blade liger look at command wolf staring at another one from couple miles away with double barreled beam cannon lock on to it with Lucas inside of command wolf with smug expression on his face and shoutout of excitement, "EAT BEAM CANNON YOU PILE OF JUNK!" he pressed the button to fire plamas beam from double barreled beam cannon straight to broken down vehicle with direct hit and medium size explosion.

Apple bloom: "golly, double barreled beam cannon is quite a punch that ah ever saw."

First base: "yup."

Diamond tiera: "you said it babe."

Scootaloo: "tru dat."

Arlene middle school: principal moss office

Principal moss sitting at his chair staring directly at nanami kanroji sitting in chair with arms crossed and serious expression in front of his desk while being accompanied by ymir and mr. Grandy by his sides as he said to her with kindness, "so ms. Kanroji, which one of sections do you like to join?" Nanami stay silent won't answer back to principal moss question so Mr. Grandy help her out and said friendly, "section 17." She shaking her head of response."

Mr. Grandy: "section 23?'

She shaking her head of response again."

Mr. Grandy: "section 33, section 20, or section 44."

She give out small smile and nodded her head for section 44 that's surprised the trio when ymir said to her with surprised, "what kind of occupation you want dudette? Engineer, pilot, crew, wild tera pokemon catcher and spotter, armored agent, regular serect agent, or Security?" She nodded her head again to last one for them as principal moss said to her in kindness, "excellent welcome to section 44 kid as security." She give thumb up to them for friendly response that surprised them bit.

[New chapter is out for today and I'll make another chapter for tomorrow. So stay tuned for more. 👍👍👍😎😎😎. ]

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