former comrades reunited

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4:12 am

Section 44 wild tera pokemon mission control room with detective Reiner Braun talking to 47 yrs old rusty shackleford in section 44 jumpsuit with light blue stripes.

He's charged of wild tera pokemon mission control room, then for a moment they stop talking to heard a familiar voice by a person that Reiner knows for long time, "hey there Reiner

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He's charged of wild tera pokemon mission control room, then for a moment they stop talking to heard a familiar voice by a person that Reiner knows for long time, "hey there Reiner." They turned their heads to the right at the entrance that's shocked Reiner to see his former comrade from Paradis island, Samuel linke Jackson in phase one armor without his helmet to see warm smile on his face.

Reiner: "Samuel."

Both of them walk up to each other to give friendly hug and joyful chuckle for a second, then they break off the hug as Reiner said to him with surprised, "how are you been lately, Samuel?" He replied, "you mean captain Samuel of arc scouts of section alliances along with lieutenant daz ." He surprised about both Samuel and daz becomes scouts into captain and lieutenant arc scouts of section alliance, he said to him in proud tone, "congratulation, I'm proud of you and daz becomes arc scouts with another colt grice and marine to serve section alliances."

Samuel: "thanks buddy. Let's teach tatus republic bastards  a lesson don't with us and other universes. Brother."

Reiner: "you know it brother."

"Excuse me detective braun."

They turn around to see 41 yrs old male bear is very fit and wearing long collar shirt with blue tie, blue jeans, and shoes. He arrived the room with ramiz from refugee camp without right hand as bear staff continues to speak again, "this young man what talk with you, I think he saw something in the woods far from the camp."

Ramiz: "indeed."

Reiner: "of course let's talk shall we. Get Damian because we need him to draw what ramiz describes what he saw in the woods."

Male bear staff: "yes sir."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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