vs ruinous pokemon part 1: wo-chien

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Isana already arrived wo-chien shrine in south province, area one to face wo-chien first time when she heard a voice of hawkgirl inside earpiece in right ear, "hey kiddo, we got wo-chien stakes so you face wo-chien now." Isana replied back to her in kindness, "thanks guys." When the chains start disappear into dust as she approach it begins touched the shrine in the middle until it started rumble cause her jumped in fear when she backing up bit and stop to see the shrine broke into pieces with ruinous pokemon wo-chien.

" When the chains start disappear into dust as she approach it begins touched the shrine in the middle until it started rumble cause her jumped in fear when she backing up bit and stop to see the shrine broke into pieces with ruinous pokemon wo-chien

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Come out from shrine to outside having cold stare at isana who holding  pokeball in right hands, it give out furious cry, "scriiibee!" She toss pokeball in the air and begin called out her pokemon.

Isana: "frosmoth, spotlight!"

Shencome out her pokeball to outside having pokemon battle against wo-chien when she command attack for them.

Isana: "Frosmoth use icicle spear!"

She launched couple of sharp icicles straight to wo-chien with inflicted damage and it fired back with ruination toward frosmoth.

Isana: "use protect!"

She protect herself from ruination quick make isana sigh of relief for that and she counter attack for frosmoth, "dazzling beam!" She fired dazzling beam from both wings straight toward wo-chien with direct hit in the face mask it health into 10 percent and make him very weak.

Isana: "you're done Ruinous bastard."

She pulled out heal ball in right hand begin throwing toward wo-chien quick and captured ruinous pokemon with pink beam to went inside ball who fall down on the grass gently for heal ball started locked it up that's surprise look on isana for captured her first ruinous pokemon in paldea region ever. She shoutout of excitement, "ALRIGHT I CAUGHT WO-CHIEN!"

Aot universe 2 at 11:15 am in Trost district scout regiment HQ

Captain Levi Ackerman office with Levi talking to two section 17 armored agents when they heard a knocked on the door by someone inside his office.

Captain Levi: "come in."

Female Scout enter his office and they noticed scare expression on her face as she says to them scare, "there someone wanted to see you, captain." She let mysterious person enter the office that shocked the trio to see soaked female Titan shifter annie Leonheart with warm smile and said, "greetings captain, long time no see."

[End part one of ruinous chapter for tonight]

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