canterlot defenders in Royal woods (short)

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Royal woods, Michigan at 1:15 am

The white ninja and her team standing on top building of mayor Davis begin searching for crimes that surprise Robin as new member of canterlot defenders for first time, then the shadow look at him with smile, "did you searching for crimes at Gotham City with Batman from your original universe." Robin replied, "yup all the time shadow."

Black Canary: "good boy, mr. Drake."

Lady falcon: "indeed."

White ninja: "hehe, that's why he want to join canterlot defenders as a team."

The shadow noticed several robbers arrived Royal woods bank at left side of city in 5 feet away from them as white ninja said to Robin with surprise, "ready dude." He nodded his head to agree her with smug expression and she shoutout to her teams in excitement, "CANTERLOT DEFENDERS GO!" They leap off from building to below running towards several robbers at the bank to fight crime.

[New short chapter is out for today]

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