may maple visit section 17 part 2

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They arrived at section 17 weapons & gadgets department just surprised to every engineers working on gadgets and weapons as blu lighting begin explain to them, "this is weapons & gadgets department that out fellow engineers working on gadgets and weapons for our armored agents on their mission." And that's may got her whistling birds and speedster shoes at this department when bright idea walk up to them with a smile and said, "greetings I'm bright idea   and I'm in charge this department."

Helen: "very nice to meet you Mr. Idea. Thanks for handed whistling birds and speedster shoes to may on her mission lately."

May: "yup."

Bright idea: "anytime we love help her alot during her hitwoman job for Diaz errands sometimes."

Several engineers begin agree with him about helping may out all time at gta vice City original universe with Diaz errands, then suddenly captain sentry enter the department with prince dusk shine and Tina to see may maple from pokemon universe 3 in person as they approach the group and captain sentry said to may in kindness, "finally I meet you in person ms. Maple. I'm flash sentry the head of section 17." She smile to meet captain sentry in person for first time too as well and he continues speak again, "you guys enjoying the tour at my section." Tim replied, "yup we hope our daughter join section 17 someday in the age of 11."

Captain sentry: "of course, I won't mind at all."

Jessica: "sounds good to me, captain."

Dusk shine: "brilliant idea captain."

Tina: "yeah.

May look at blu lighting with a smile and said, "what's our next tour blue lighting?" She replied back, "Titan pokemon mission control room and training ground after that." Then tim said, "excellent, we're very nice to meet you captain sentry." He replied, "you too reverend, oh ms. Maple. I hope you meet rest of the heads of section in person someday." May replied, "I will captain." They bid farewell to them exit department begin continue on their tour inside section 17 before heading back to the simpsons universe 2.

Equestria girls universe 2

Canterlot high: vice principal Artemis office

Vice principal Artemis at the desk staring directly at Kevin-grant Gomez sitting in a chair and said to him with kindness, "so, Mr. Gomez, which one of sections that you like to join." Kevin replied, "section 33 as wild tera pokemon catcher." Then vice principal Artemis smile proudly about mr. Gomez join section 33 as wild tera pokemon catcher and said, "welcome to section 33, son. Your stuff will be show up at your bedroom when get back from school."

Kevin: "of course sir, and who's my wild tera pokemon catcher partner anyway."

Vice principal Artemis: "it's venusaur along with hoppip, teareena, and hitmontop. Oh teareena and hitmontop already learn kung fu from Serena Ketchum, lemon zest, and dawn ceries at section 17 dojo room since 3 weeks ago.'

Kevin: " Sounds good sir."

[New chapter is out for today]

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