toola's serect admire reveal

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During after school, toola walking across the parking lot toward school garden to meet her mystery serect admire alone and she think her serect admire going to be a guy or girl. As she arrived at the garden toward the middle of the it and stop behind flowers stone.

Toola: "hey, I'm here! So you can come out now for let me see you."

She then heard rustled inside the bushes right next to her in 6 feet away and she believes her mystery serect admire come out to reveal in front of her of surprised for a second when marble pie come out from the bushes with blush on her cheeks that caught of surprised and confused from toola, it's was marble pie is her serect admire this whole time when she walk up to toola and stop at 3 feet away with arm crossed underneath her dd-cup breasts.

Toola: "you're my serect admire, marble?"

Marble: "mm-hmmm."

Toola: "you like me since 9th grade in canterlot high."

Marble: "mm-hmm."

She very surprised that pinkie pie's sister like her since 9th grade at canterlot high school ever since that I didn't know about it at all but she's happy and begins walk up to her. Then both of them stare directly each other with toola put her hands around the back to grabbed to move Mable closer to her to feel the breasts pressed against her flat chest.

Toola: "marble pie! You like to go the fall formal with me."

Marble: "of course my athletic track runner girlfriend."

Toola: "alright."

They move their faces to each other begins kiss in the lips with eyes closed. But they being watched by scootaloo, apple Blooom, diamond tiara, sweetie belle, sliver spoon, and Megan Williams standing behind the bushes at left side of bushes with huge grin on their faces to see wonderful moment.

Meanwhile at the Simpsons universe 2

Both Bart and lisa come out from bus walking towards the house with he open the door forward for them enter the house with lisa closed the door from behind. They enter the living room in shocked to see Lisa's original self sitting in the couch having tea with their mother and little sister.

Marge: "lisa, there someone want to see you first time, it's your original self."

Bart: "aye caramba! I'm seeing double smart and annoying sisters in the living room with us right now."

Lisa: "what are you doing here?"

Original lisa: "I'm here to talk with you, kiddo."

Lisa: "about what exactly?"

Original Lisa: "my best friend Webby venderquack from section 44 is okay with me for you joining her section as wild tera pokemon catcher in the age of 21. And your parents is okay with it. That's okay with you."

Lisa little bit happy for joining section 44 as wild tera pokemon catcher in the age of 21 then she look at her original self with a smile and said, "sounds good to me, captain." Her original self smile pride and said, "excellent, welcome to section 44 kiddo."

Marge: "my little girl joining section 44 as wild tera pokemon catcher in the age of 21 yrs old."

[New chapter is out for today]

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