Serena evidence found

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Vermilion city 6:30 am

An lmv drive through medium size alleyway towards dumpster bit and stop in 4 feet away at left side of dumpster when lmv engine off by someone inside who begin open driver door to get out reveal Reiner braun exit the vehicle including daredevil, Lexi Bunny, and colt grice come out as well.

Reiner: "this is same dumpster what goh talking about."

Colt: "yup, let checked it out."

They walked up in front of dumpster for Reiner braun open the right lid up begins finding the something inside with a flashlight on right hand for a second and noticed several trash plastic bags with blood inside make Lexi and daredevil disgusting expression on their faces to see blood inside the plastic trash bags that's mean Serena's victims bodies parts inside the plastic trash bags.

Reiner: "Jesus! She chop the bodies with butcher knife, hide them inside dumpster, and leave without being noticed by someone."

Colt: "yeah, let's bring it to HQ and good thing we got large black garbage bag inside back of lmv for putting them in."

Reiner: "good idea colt."

He went toward back of lmv to grab large black garbage bag while lexi taking pictures of chop up bodies inside plastic bag with Nbd digital camera 4k ultra on her hand.

School days original universe at 6:37 pm: saionji's residence

The saionji's family at the kitchen eating dinner together but still upset about taisuke sawanaga's death yesterday until sekai step in to tell her family after shallow her half of rice cake, "I want to join section 17 like taisuke did." Her rest of family in shock in fear about sekai join section 17 and Mr. Saionji said at his daughter in little bit anger, "absolutely not young lady, you might be killed by gigantamax pokemon."

Sekai: "I'm going to be wild tera pokemon catcher like the others, that's all."

Her family become happy about sekai idea to become wild tera pokemon catcher like the others from every section as sekai continue speak again, "I'm gonna ask captain sentry on the phone to join section 17 as wild tera pokemon catcher after dinner over." Mrs. Saionji replied, "good idea honey, taisuke is proud of you for doing that from heaven."

Sekai: "yeah."

[New chapter is out for today]

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