may maple visit section 17 part 1

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8:15 am at section 17 main lobby

May maple & the Lovejoys arrived at section 17 for first time ever that Henry told them since yesterday to visit section 17. May wore regular pink shirt with picture of pokeball in the middle, jean shorts, and sneakers. Got two different types of earrings in right ear.

Helen: "goodness I never thought this section 17 is huge for being underneath the whole canterlot city."

Tim: "you said it helen."

Jessica: "yeah."

May: "me too."


They spotted blu lighting in section 17 jumpsuit in dark velvet blue stripes begin approach them and said with kindness, "greetings I'm blu lighting, wild tera pokemon catcher at your service and I'll be your tour guide for today." Tim replied, "that's wonderful ms. Lighting, but one question is what's wild tera pokemon catcher?"

May: "I never thought of that."

Blu lighting: "that's we called wild tera pokemon catchers because shards rose up from universes with every type of pokemon touching it to become wild tera, our job to battle and captured becoming teammates or put them up inside pokemon storage room for new wild tera pokemon catcher claim it as new partner."

May: "that's sweet."

Blu lighting: "let's head to garage as our 1st tour."

Tim: "sounds good."

She leaning them to garage through the corridor from main lobby they pass by two armored agents that's surprised may bit and said to blue lighting with kindness, "nice armor what they wearing blue."

Blu: "they're going out on dangerous mission with other armored agents from the sections sometimes."

Tim: "that's great I guess."

They then arrived and enter garage to see many vehicles getting built by engineers as blu begin explain to them, "our vehicles getting built by our fellow engineers for land, sky, sea, and space."

Helen: "wow that's pretty hard work ms. Lighting."

Blu: "yup."

*Happily beep*

They turn around to see r5 series astromech droid approach them inside the garage.

Blu lighting begin introducing r4 to them, "this is r4, an astromech droid

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Blu lighting begin introducing r4 to them, "this is r4, an astromech droid. He and other astromech droids help us to fixing the ships." May said to him in kindness, "very nice to meet you r4." He give friendly beep of response to them and blue said, "up next of 2nd tour is gadgets and weapons department."

May: "sounds good."

Tim: "yup."

Captain sentry office

Flash at his desk staring at tina russo & sci dusk shin pony counterpart it's prince dusk shine standing in front of his desk.

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captain sentry: "you two want to join section 17, huh

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captain sentry: "you two want to join section 17, huh."

Tina/dusk: "yes sir."

Captain sentry: "excellent welcome to section 17 you two."

Tina: "thanks cap, I want to be wild tera pokemon catcher."

Captain sentry: "excellent, your stuffs will be arrived at your place when you get back."

Tina: "sweet."

Captain sentry: "what about you dude."

Dusk shine: "engineer at gadgets and weapons department."

Captain sentry: "alright welcome aboard dude."

[End part 1 of this chapter]

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