meet Strickland propane employees

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Shoyo hinata arrived at Strickland propane building and approach front door to grabbed the knob begin twist it to the right started the door forward really wide to reveal Strickland propane employees and buck Strickland himself with warm smiles as shoyo walk to him

Buck: "very nice to meet you for first time partner."

Shoyo: "you too mr. Strickland."

They shake hands together friendly for a second and let go after that when Joe Jack ask him a question, "show us your raging bolt from outside, honey." Rest of employees agree with Joe Jack question about shoyo show his raging bolt to them outside and shoyo hinata replied back to him in kindness, "of course." They went outside to front empty parking lot with shoyo hinata pulled out his pokeball and turn right at empty space.

Shoyo: "come out, raging bolt!'

Raging bolt come out from pokeball to parking lot in front of the employees at 6 feet away who got surprised expression on their faces to see past paradox pokemon for first time.

Joe Jack: " Holy moly honey."

Enrique: "whoa."

Roger: "that thing come from inside the great crater of area zero in paldea region. Damn."

Donna: "you said it Roger."

Buck: "not bad partner, you got guts to capture this past paradox pokemon with your friends yesterday."

He reached his wallet from right pocket with his hand and open up to pull out 50 buck from his other hand and place it on left palm that stoked of surprise on shoyo hinata face to see American 50 dollar for first time ever in this universe, he look up at buck with a smile and said, "thank you so much, sir." Buck replied, "you're welcome partner."

Meanwhile at ash and Serena luxury penthouse in japony

In the living room with Serena is very angry at alain cut off her boyfriend left hand with his lightsaber, she could kill him and his little friend back at Lumiose city in their former original universe but she let them life just then and she look at claw sitting left side of couch with serious expression and said, "we should tell mr. Kuro about this when he get home from canterlot city on Friday night at 8:15 pm." Claw replied, "sounds good babe, beside we set them a warning from other sections about the war started on Monday October 11th instead."

Serena: "yeah."

[New chapter is out for today]

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