return of masked boy

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10:45 am

Alain inside yōkai academy taking a walk through the corridor in Northside of academy with mizore shirayuki who decided to come with him for some reason.

Mizore: "I heard from captain venderquack about you defeat Gigantamax pokemon in other universe with dna digivolve transformation on first day. Good job."

Alain: "thanks."

Mizore: "hey! I asked you a question."

Alain: "sure, what is it?"

Mizore: "you got a girlfriend back at your universe?"

He blush on his face from mizore's question about got a girlfriend at his universe and replied to her in nervous, "nope I don't have a girlfriend, mizore." They stopped in middle of corridor with she look at him with loveable expression move closer bit with her breasts against his chest that very nervous on him and she said, "I think your cute and charming for jedi knight and kalos region champion I ever met instead of tsukune aono."

Alain: "umm thanks. (Thought) crap, I got yuki-onna girl crush on me."

He then senses something like they're not alone as push mizore bit gently that her confused bit to see cold stare on his face and said, "what is it alain?" Alain replied, "we're not alone, mizore."

"Right you are, punk."

They turned around to masked boy that killed professor cerise and mairian make Alain very angry to use force grab lightsaber from belt loop to his hand begin turn on with green beam come out on top and begin battle against him, then Alain use force speed toward and shoutout in anger, "YOU GONNA PAY WHAT YOU DID TO MY FRIEND!" he began slashed him but the masked boy went dodged right and left really fast from alain's lightsaber for a moment when he raised his hand out forward aim at him begin using force push that him flying backward through the corridor really strong for few seconds when masked boy stop with both feet touched it on the floor while arriving at main lobby 2nd floor balcony with several students noticed him from below, then he pulled out blaster to aim at him forward begin fire twice straight to him but Alain block it quick and towards in front of him begin slashed off of carbine rifle barrel and delivered roundkick house in right rib.

Boy student#1: "way to go dude."

Boy student #2: "teach him a lesson."

He went left side of him to rise his lightsaber up quick and begin slash off left hand make the masked boy scream in pain to cause dropped his broken rifle to the floor and him back up and he use right hand to grabbed on top of it begins taking it out quick to reveal his face to Alain who shocked expression on his face and shoutout, "ASH!" Everyone in shocked to see the revealed of masked boy is ash Ketchum with little bit painful expression while holding his cut off hand while alain deactivated his lightsaber and said to him with surprised,"ash? We thought you were kidnapped by ravess."

Ash smug: "wrong, she reunited me with my love Serena in unknown city from state at Eastern side as new home."

When suddenly an dark red portal show up behind ash in 5 feet away to reveal northern East corridor with baron mordo, ravess, buck trout, and fl-1,000 standing in front of portal with smug expression as ash grabbed his mask from the floor with right hand quick and running through the portal with baron mordo and ravess confronted him to laboratory with buck trout and fl-1,000 stare at them for final time.

Fl-1,000: "we killed three bounty hunters that foolish armin hired them."

Buck worried: "except for last bounty hunter because he totally wasted before coming to the building."

Drunk Mandalorian walk pass them very drunk through the portal through the building to school main lobby toward Alain for a second and pass on the floor after that then fl-1,000 give the bird on them when the portal closed after that. He turned around at mizore and said, "we should tell captain venderquack and the others at section 44 about we just saw."

Mizore: "yeah."

[New chapter is out for today]

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