chasing serena

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When school over with students exit the gate heading home including serena made left to sidewalk heading to the market from several blocks down get something quick for a moment until she stop to see two section 44 detectives, Reiner Braun & colt grice who blocked her path in few feet away as Reiner said to her with serious, "serena Yvonne! You coming with us." She started running away through across the streets make couple of cars stop to see her running make Reiner very angry and said, "crap." They decided running across the street to sidewalk turn left chasing serena from couple miles away as colt pulled out ham radio begins press the button begins speaking with someone, "suspect is on the run. We need back up over." Back with serena still running through the crowd from two detectives towards crosswalk to get across until lmv pulled up in middle of it with Georgia exit the vehicle staring at serena with de-10 blaster pistol on her hand to aim at serena.

Georgia: "freeze kiddo."

Serena smug: "not a chance loser."

She due front flip over lmv to other side of sidewalk made perfect landing with both feet touched it on pavement continues running from them that anger Georgia bit when Serena got a idea inside her head about during Parkour as her escape plan when she turn right to alley begins leap to the wall to wall to wall and hold on window seal handle begins climbing every handle.

[On cue run-(beautiful thing)]

Skywalker: "run."

She made it to top of medium building  begins running across the building when porco burst through the door to roof when begins chasing her for a moment she made huge leap from building to another building with perfect roll and stop to turned around at porco to deliver double finger and look back begins continue running again.

Skywalker: "run."

She made to building stairway entrance as she grabbed the handle with both hands begins swing bit and started climbing down the rails to below quick and made it, she turned around begins running through the alley when turned right to see delivery truck with back door it's empty from inside.

Serena: "perfect."

The music over when she hop on inside back of delivered truck and grab the handle from top begins pulled down at the end started locked it, she collapses on the floor to sit down with her butt for a breather from running and Parkour for a moment until she heard couple of stomps towards truck probably two detectives so she covered her mouth with both hands to silent herself and hearing commotion by them at left side of truck."

"Damn it! We lost her."

"Where'd she go lately?"

"Probably she went to park."

"Good idea colt."

They exit the alley towards the park to find 'Serena' as she uncovered her mouth to give sigh of relief for close call and she getting up towards back door begins lift up quick to exit the truck to dirty pavement and she decided go shopping at discount store at her new home for now on as she pressed the button on wrist bracelet to transport herself to japony, Tokyo.

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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