Friday night plan with Annie

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Aot universe 6: [attack on school castes]

High school at 1:45 pm in the corridor with mikasas talking with ymir and Historia at her locker for a moment when suddenly a voice by someone behind her, "yo goth chick." She turned around to see Annie Lionheart cause to blush on both cheeks when she approach her.

Annie: "how's kung fu lesson been with Mr. Monarch."

Mikasas: "great, he told me about goh and his wife join me on Thursday going to catch another wild tera Pokemon in another universe."

Ymir: "yup."

Annie: "really, that's awesome mikasas, you pretty good job as wild tera Pokemon catcher."

Mikasas: "thanks."

Annie: "you got any plans for Friday night."

Mikasas: "nope, I'm not anything on Friday night why?"

Annie: "wanna to watch a movie together like action/horror/romance."

Mikasas: "sure I love to Annie. Pick me up at my house at 7:15 pm but you going to meet my family first probably during tomorrow morning at 7:04 am."

Annie: "sounds good to me, cutie."

At teacher lounge with Mr. Smith, Levi, ms. Hange,  Mr. Berner, and nanaba having stare down at section 44 detective Keith shadis and two section 44 armored agents as Mr. Smith said, "let me get this straight, we blocked the entrance for Serena Yvonne won't escape inside the Pokemon center to arrest her, right." He replied back to him in kindness, "correct."

Mr. Berner: "no problem with that then."

Nanaba: "yeah, I hope those women is ready getting beat up Serena after getting arrested, Hehehe."

Ms. Hange: "yup."

[New chapter is out for today]

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