viscous claws revealed

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Interrogation room with Reiner,
Samuel, and Damian stare at ramzi sitting across the table in front of them as Reiner said to him with kindness, "so kiddo, which sides of the forest that you went from the refugee camp." Ramzi replied, "west side of forest, sir. since yesterday evening."

Reiner: "what are you doing over there?"

Ramzi: "me and my younger brother halil gather several firewood is very far from the camp. Then we stop to see for a moment because we're being watched by animal or magical creatures with powers from inside the forest at left side."

Samuel: "you mean pokemon."

Ramzi: "that's right.

Reiner: "what pokemon look like exactly?"

Ramiz: "he's big size of a gorilla got two sharp pointed teeths went upward with white fur got red Mohawk on top of head with two sharp horns on forehead, white beard with same color in middle that cover up half of the stomach, and huge hands with brown sharp claws that touching the ground. It got stone bracelets around both wrists."

Damian done drawing what ramzi describing it that he and his brother and handed to reiner who got little bit shocking on his face to see the drawing of past paradox slaking.

He make the art stretch book backwards to show the drawing to ramzi who got scared expression in his face and Reiner said to him, "this pokemon what you talking about, kid

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He make the art stretch book backwards to show the drawing to ramzi who got scared expression in his face and Reiner said to him, "this pokemon what you talking about, kid." Ramzi replied, "yes sir, that pokemon standing there at 11 feet away from us begins staring with menacing glares in 2 minutes."

Samuel: "what you and brother do when this past paradox pokemon staring you two."

Ramzi: "we drop the firewood to the dirt and turn around begins running toward the camp fast as we can possible."

Reiner: "did this pokemon chasing you two heading to camp."

Ramzi: "no sir. Just standing there and staring at us that's all."

Reiner smile pride: "good thing you and your brother are safe from that past paradox pokemon, but don't worry we get one of our wild tera pokemon catcher to catch it and put it in pokemon storage. Probably tomorrow morning at 8:15 am."

Ramzi: "sounds great, detective, thank you."

Reiner smile to hear 'thank you' from Marley immigrate mouth for first time and he replied back to him in kindness, "anytime buddy. You should go to gandra dee workshop because she will built you an cybernetic right hand as your replacement, how that's sound." Ramzi little bit surprised about getting cybernetic right hand as his new replacement from gandra Dee and he replied back to him in kindness, "sounds good detective."

[New chapter is out for today]

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