claw is born

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Marleyan military HQ briefing room with everyone in shocked about masked teenager boy killed professor cerise and mairin it was ash Ketchum this whole time with tien slam his fist at left side of desk in anger and said, "damn it! this is whole time, it was ash Ketchum who's masked teenager boy along and wasn't kidnapped by ravess at airport and she reunited them."

Tsukune: "he said they live somewhere at unknown city in state from eastern side before FL-1,000 and his friends picked him up."

Webby: "they killed three bounty hunters that Armin just hired except for drunk Mandalorian who pass out at section 44 medic room."

Then colt noticed something inside his head quick cause his eyes went wide and open his mouth of disbelief, he said to the group in fear, "you guys don't think about Serena Yvonne and ash Ketchum working with unknown enemy to join tatus republic this whole time." The group becomes scared about Serena and ash working with unknown enemy to join tatus republic taking over the universes with armies of battle drones this whole time and captain venderquack said to the group, "I set up meeting with flash and the others at tom landry middle school teacher's lounge at 10:14 am."

Commander magath: "good idea captain."

Pieck: "yeah."

Reiner: "are goh and Horace having training today during after school."

Captain venderquack: "no because it's their three day off from training."

Marley general #1: "wonderful idea ma'am. It's right thing to do that."

Meanwhile at kuro corp laboratory

Ash sitting in a chair who surprised to see cybernetic claw got built by three engineers and fl-1,000 said to him very surprised, "I hope you like it dude because it's water, snow, sand, and fire proof. But you need nickname make your enemies cowardly in fear."

Frost: "what about captain claw."

Phantom Panther: "or phantom claw."

Sportmaster: "what about sport claw."

The Riddler: "that stupid nickname."

Claw said to the group in calm way, "no, no, no. Just claw. One word." They like new nickname from claw for a moment when Lord zedd got noticed and said to claw in worried, "how Serena will react about your left hand clean off from alain's lightsaber."

Fl-1,000: "aww crap! I didn't realize that at all. Probably she to keep calm when she get here from work."

Void queen: "you're right fl,1,0000."

[New chapter is out for today]

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