aftermath of gigantamax in orangefield

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Section 17 break room

Ymir: "congratulations dude to took out gigantamax pokemon with your super fist of blabs-a-lot move for first time."

Dendra: "way to go rookie.,

Sasha: " Not bad dude."

Rock Lee: "you're number 1 to defeat gigantamax pokemon."

Bulk: "YEAH!"

Luna: "rock in."

She, bulk biscep, dendra, rock lee, sasha waybright, and Luna loud gather around in front of him behind soda machine at 4 feet as tanukichi said to them with kindness, "aww thanks guys, I hope I can face against Titan pokemon from universes wirh our friends in every sections someday." Ymir replied in pride, "you will rookie, you will." She give out small yawn for a second and said, "well I'm heading home to get rest up for tomorrow because Historia drag me to canterlot city yoga studio doing yoga for first time."

Tanukichi: "are you flexible, ymir?"

Ymir: "no, with one yoga pose like pretzel. I will hurt my back for several days."

Dendra: "you said it sister like Miriam did to me since last year at paldea region."

Sasha: "if you hurt your back doing yoga tomorrow I give you back message relaxation."

Bulk: "good idea sasha."

Ymir: "you got it dudette."

Then suddenly sunset shimmer from aot universe 2 enter the break room carried 4 Inch baby gate box with one arm and approach the group as she said to luna, "here's a baby gate that you ask for,  Luna." Luna replied, "thanks sunset, I'll installed it in kitchen entrance probably tomorrow after all I'm father/mother to my child."

Dendra: "yeah."

Meanwhile at equestria girls alternative original universe: pome edition

Canterlot high at 10:17 am

In the hallway with bon bon heading back to professor atom chemistry class from girl restroom for a moment she heard 'psst' by someone from behind her who stop to turned around at someone but no one there and look back at hallway to see the white ninja in front of her at 5 feet away cause her give out little scared yelp from that.

Bon-bon: "don't do that, alright. You almost make me wet myself."

White ninja: "sorry, my boss hand me a scarlet book to you for information about paldea region."

She grabbed scarlet book from inside handbag quick and place it on bon bon right palm, and bon bon said to her with kindness, "thanks I'll read it doing 2nd period break." The white ninja replied, "sounds good, besides my boss very interested for you join his section 17 as wild tera pokemon catcher." Bon bon replied, "sure, but I want to meet him first tonight at my place before joining his section."

White ninja: "of course, oh don't tell everyone about you join section 17 because it's a serect government organization."

Bon-bon: "no problem at all."

[New chapter is out for today]

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