(section 44) training #4: dna digivolve transformation

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Section 44 training ground with Horace, goh, moosemon, and figimon standing in line at middle of training ground to face forward at sara and Lexi in 11 feet away across the them at left side of training while being watched captain venderquack and the others at the bleachers.

Sara: "okay, Horace and moosemon step forward in 1¼ inch feet away from them doing dna Digivolve transformation."

Horace: "yes ma'am."

They step forward towards them in 1¼ inch feet away from goh and peckmon, then stop when huge red magical digital circle appear above them at 9 feet away on cue for them begin to glow light blue and white aura inside of them.

Horace: "Horace!"

Moosemon: "moosemon!"

They flew up towards circle with twirling each other in 2 feet away and shouting together, "dna digivolve to..." They went through the circle with red light very shine a bit and faded away to reveal new transformation between Horace and moosemon is bipedal muscular moosemon in full wintergale armor with halfway cap. He's very tall as beast titan who started to speak with Horace and moosemon together, "Herculesmoosemon!"everyone surprise to see new moosemon ultimate level transformation, herculesmoosemon.

Nanaba: " (Whistle) that's dna Digivolve transformation, huh it's pretty neat I ever saw."

Mr. Berner: "me too."

Mr. Smith: "most impressive."

Detective looker: "not bad."

Lexi: "okay kiddo, you two are next."

Goh: "right."

Figimon: "let do it."

Both of them started to glow with red and gray inside of them as they shouted their names.

Goh: "goh!"

Figimon: "figimon!"

They flew up towards the circle with twirling each other and shoutout together, "dna Digivolve to..." They went through circle with same light very bright for a second and faded away to reveal to goh and figimon transformation is figimon still humanoid bear with thick cover ice and snow skin with icy sharp crystal both shoulders blades with spirit orbs on top of the tip. He begins to speak with the voice of goh and figimon in a same time, "blizzardmon!" That's surprised everyone to see figimon ultimate level form, blizzardmon bit when sara said to them with kindness, "excellent work you two now you can test new moves on every type of Gigantamax pokemon someday, sounds good."

Blizzardmon/herculesmoosemon: "yes ma'am

Equestria girls au timeline in pomE style during 4:15 pm at canterlot high school

Tidal, bon-bon, and lyra walked in the hallway toward principle celestia talking to Mr. Doodle and couch iron will for a moment as tidal said to his aunt with kindness, "aunt celestia." They turned around to see the trio and tidal begin continue speak, "lyra and bon-bon take me to shopping mall to explore for a while that's okay with you." She smile at her nephew going to shopping mall with two girls and replied, "of course dear."

Tidal: "thanks aunt."


They turned their heads to the left to look down to see paldean starter Pokemon grass cat Pokemon, sprigattio with a smile on his face.

Lyra: "aww it's so cute."

Tidal pull out rotom phone to scan him in a second and information pop out after that.

Pokedex: "sprigattio, grass cat Pokemon, and grass type: the sweet scent its body gives out mesmerizing those around it. The scent grows stronger when this Pokemon is in the sun."

He turn around to face forward at cherry crash begin leap into her arms little bit off guard make her very happy as she said to him, "you so adorable for a Pokemon little dude."

Sprigattio: "meow."

Principal celestia: "aww."

[New edited chapter is out for today]

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