gigantamax in orangefield [edited]

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9:51 am

Somewhere of the forest in orangefield, mount middlemost there Torterra stomping through the forest just wondering around until an medium size gigantamax energy ball Rose up from the grass just floating in mid-air front of Torterra at 4 feet who stop to see it.

Torterra: "Torterra?"

Meanwhile at orangefield, deWayne farmhouse

Angus, parker, and Russell already delivered a package to deWayne at his place for a moment they look up in the sky turn gigantamax purple sky as Angus said to the group with confused, "what's with the sky lately it's look weird." Then they heard powerful roar across the way from the forests at 20 feet away from them, "TOOOOORRTTTTERRRRAAAA!" after that the roar stop by Torterra make the group scare bit.

Angus: "what in the world was that sound."

An green magical portal show up in front of them at 6 feet begins open up to reveal section 17 Northwest corridor with archerchessmon, Bruce Wayne, ladyknightmon, tanukichi okuma, iron scout, captain sentry, joey Wheeler, and Eeyore come out through the portal to deWayne farmhouse with them, captain sentry look at tanukichi with a smile and said, "it's showtime kiddo."

Tanukichi: "aw yeah, I use my new super fist of blabs-a-lot moves on that gigantamax pokemon."

Joey: "you can use my flygon take you over there."

He pulled out pokeball and turned right to aim at empty spot begins called out his pokemon, "come out flygon!" He come out from his pokeball to outside with them for tanukichi up on flygon and said to him with kindness, "let's go buddy." He nodded his head begins flying in the sky along with the squad flying straight toward gigantamax pokemon location.

Eeyore gloomy: "I hope they defeat gigantamax pokemon very soon as possible."

Angus: "boy you very gloomy little buddy"

Captain sentry: "you get use it sometimes."

Bruce: "yup."

Joey: "yeah."

Back with the group just arrived at unknown gigantamax pokemon location becomes shocked to see Torterra goes gigantamax marching with broken trees along the way.

Archerchessmon: "first starter pokemon from sinnoh region went gigantamax for first time ever

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Archerchessmon: "first starter pokemon from sinnoh region went gigantamax for first time ever."

Ladyknightmon: "you said it dude."

Iron scout: "we need defeat it as we can."

Archerchessmon: "you got it Mrs. Ackerman."

They flying down straight to gigantamax pokemon who look up at them with menace stare and use razor leafs straight to them, but they split in two groups away from razor leafs just in time. They fly on both sides of tortetta

Ladyknightmon: "toad missile!"

Archerchessmon: holy arrow!"

Their attacks straight forward to right side rib with direct hit make gigantamax Torterra scream in pain from that attack until iron scout fire multiple thunder spears from holographic barrage pack towards left leg and spikes to hit cause halfway medium critical damage, now tanukichi is next to staring at gigantamax Torterra in front of him at 9 feet away with smug expression and said, "I got surprised for you, gigantamax punk." He started to glow with blue aura inside of him and said, "super fist of blabs-a-lot!" He summoned of illusion several different dragon type pokemon heads from other regions appear behind them started open their mouth with blue glowing inside come out when tanukichi continue to speak again, "dragon breath barrage!" They fire dragon breath towards to gigantamax Torterra at once with direct hit on his face with heavily critical damage caused gigantamax beam shoot up from mountain tip to the sky make Torterra begins shrinking down to his normal self including the sky turns normal too as well.

Angus: "alright they did it."

Parker: "you said it Angus."

Meanwhile at equestria girls original alternative universe at 9:56 am

Canterlot high school during 1st break period with tidal blue hanging out Lyra, bon-bon, rarity, Clyde, sweetie Belle, and pinkie, applejack,and apple bloom already met him today an earlier ago.

Clyde: "how's your first day of school, tidal."

Tidal: "little bit great."

Rarity: "don't worry darling, do you best on First day of school to make new friends."

Tidal: "of course I will."


They turned left and look down to see rabbit pokemon buneary standing there staring at them with friendly way as tidal wave pulled out rotom phone from his pocket to scan her for a second and information pop with pokedex begins to explain with original flash Sentry voice, "buneary, rabbit pokemon and normal type: if both of buneary's ears are rolled up, something is wrong with its body or mind. It's a sure sign the pokemon is need of care."

Rarity: "aww it's so sweet I ever saw."

Sweetie: "you said it sis."

Pokedex: "buneary has been registered on your pokedex and buneary moves are double kick, ice beam and pound."

Applejack: "double kick you say, huh. Not bad at all."

Then bon-bon noticed something for a second and said to the group with curious, "does professor Boris said there tera shards seep in this paldea region and the others universes, that's means..." Her eyes went wide and scared expression to finish her last sentence, "here." They got scared expression on their faces too as well as Clyde said, "we should tell principal celestia and vice principal luna about it."

Rarity: "good idea honey."

Applejack: "good thinking sugarcube."

Apple bloom: "ah hope our new friends coming back to catch wild tera pokemon very soon."

Applejack: "they will sis besides they're professional as wild tera pokemon catchers and spotters."

Tidal: "you said it applejack."

Rarity: "indeed."

[New edited chapter is out for today]

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