gigantamax debut in arlen

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King of the hill original universe at 10:45 in right side of fort blanda army base, there blade Pokemon, gallade walking around in training course for a moment until medium size gigantamax energy orb like a basketball Rose up from the pavement straight toward gallade from behind quick to went through back caused gallade stop walking for being affected make painful cry that alarm bill and two soldiers from outside of training ground when gigantamax beam shoot up from gallade's head to the sky while glowing gigantamax aura inside of him started to growing into gigantamax gallade.

And the sky turns gigantamax dark purple that alarm every soldiers when gigantamax gallade look at empty water tower from couple miles away and started fired g-max energy ball toward empty water tower quick and explode into pieces

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And the sky turns gigantamax dark purple that alarm every soldiers when gigantamax gallade look at empty water tower from couple miles away and started fired g-max energy ball toward empty water tower quick and explode into pieces.

The general #1: "god of Almighty! Gallade going on rampage in the base!"

Gigantamax gallade stomping on the ground hard through military base at left side make several soldiers started running away in fear until an Green magical portal show up behind the building in front of the general, bill, and two soldiers in few feet away began open up to reveal section 17 Northwest corridor with Superman, Lincoln loud, flamedramon, archerchessmon, nick fury, happy Hogan, the thing, and e. Aster bunnymund  come out from the portal to see gigantamax gallade rampage in the base as the general said to them, "finally you guys got here to deal with gallade.

E. Aster bunnymund: " You mean gigantamax gallade, mate."

The general: "whatever, you guys handle it or what."

The thing: "don't worry bub, we handle them before all the time."

Nick Fury look at flamedramon and Lincoln with serious expression on his face, "it's dna Digivolve time you two while the rest will take care of gigantamax gallade as they could." Both of them nodded their heads to agree with Nick Fury doing dna Digivolve transformation while the rest of them went left side of the base battle against gigantamax gallade. They started to glow orange and red aura inside of them that's surprised general, bill, and the soldiers to summoned magical medium size red digital circle above them in 6 feet away.

Lincoln: "Lincoln loud!"

Flamedramon: "flamedramon!"

They flew up in the sky toward the circle with twirling each other and said together, "dna Digivolve to...." They went through digital circle made shine bright for a second and faded away to reveal new transformation between Lincoln loud and flamedramon is buff bipedal with blue skin got magma like chain warped around the shoulders. It wears dark red armor on it face, chest, thighs, hands, and feet. It has a axe-like spike protruding from its mask and lava like claws from it hands. The armor is covered with magma-like designed. It begins to speak with Lincoln loud and flamedramon in a same time, "magmadramon!"

Bill: "oh, it's very pretty."

Nick fury: "that flamedramon's ultimate level form, magmadramon."

Back with the group still battle against gigantamax gallade who noticed them as archerchessmon standing on the roof to his crossbow forward at gigantamax gallade's chest and said, "holy arrow!" He shoot holy arrow toward the chest with direct hit and little bit damage when both the thing and E. Aster bunnymund take a leap toward right knee to deliver double punch make medium halfway critical damage.

"Magma rocket!

An magmaball flying straight to gallede's right cheek made little bit damage and cause gigantamax gallade back up bit and they turned around to see magmadramon running through the roof and use another attack at gigantamax gallade while take a leap, "magma will-o-whisp!" He fire sinister magma flames straight toward gigantamax gallade in the face cause heavily critical damage make gigantamax gallade started to glow gigantamax aura inside begins shrinking down quick into normal state and gigantamax dark cloud is disappeared into normal state too as well make the soldiers started to cheer really loud for them defeated gigantamax gallade.

"Hello there, my friends."

Both Nick and happy Hogan turned around of little bit surprised to see their old friend, uncle chan standing behind the portal.

Happy Hogan: "uncle, long time no see

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Happy Hogan: "uncle, long time no see. You visit section 17 and other sections for first time."

Uncle: "yup."

Nick: "uncle, don't get mad because our old enemies, the shadowkhans is back by unknown wizard to help with tatus republic as foot soldiers."

Uncle is shocked to hear shadowkhans is back by unknown wizard and started to shoutout really loud, "AAIIIIIIYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"  That echo the whole Arlen and section 17 with everyone hear it.

Tom Landry middle school: principles moss office

Principal moss: "what in the world was that?"

Back at the military base

Uncle chan started freaking out and walk up to bill to place his hands on both shoulders, "the universes is doom again as we know it and we need green chi magic for protection from shadowkhans." General replied, "or we used tanks and weapons to take own those shadowkhans." Nick fury replied, "you shouldn't said that, pal" Uncle finger slapped on general's forehead hard and said, "magic must defeat magic."

Carlos: "ah, good times to hear that from uncle chan."

Sandalwood: "you said it dude."

Heath burns: "including finger slapped too."

Eren: "yeah, it still hurts though."

Rainbow: "yup."

Gumball: "uh-huh."

Zeke: "old times."

Steve Smith: "you said it Zeke."

[New chapter is out for today and I'll make another chapter in 4 weeks so stayed tune for more.]

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