ms. hoover field trip part 1

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Ms. Hoover and her class at the gym along with principle Skinner who begins to speak to them in kindness while standing in front of them at 4 feet away, "have fun at section 33, children it's a blast." An suddenly huge rectangle section 33 automatic door behind the wall as principle Skinner back up bit and stop, it begins open it up really quick to reveal section 33 main lobby with wagon exit from lobby to gym with them and begins to speak in kindness to Ms. Hoover and her class, "greetings Ms. Hoover's class, let me introduce myself I'm wagon, the conductor of ressha sentai toQger and I'll be your tour guide for today." Then ticket look at her and said in anger, "you mean us as tour guides for them, wagon."

Wagon: "my bad, ticket. Anyway let get going everyone, full speed ahead."

They leading everyone through open automatic door to main lobb for few seconds and door closed it with hissing sound, then disappear after that.

Groundskep willie: "it's just me or seeing that robot girl talking to puppet."

Principle Skinner: "I didn't notice it too, willie."

At main lobby with Ms. Hoover and her class surprised to see section 33 is huge while being underneath the whole Springfield as wagon begins to speak, "welcome to section 33, an a serect government underground facility the whole Springfield." Then another Lisa rise her hand up to ask wagon a question, "who's the head of section 33?" Ticket answer her question, "it's your original self, kid."

Lisa: "Sayyy what."

Ralph: "lisa got a twin sister."

Ms. Hoover: "I didn't see that coming."

Wagon: "let's go on our 1st tour is wild tera pokemon mission control room."

They walk towards Northside corridor from main lobby heading to wild tera pokemon mission control room, they walked pass by several armored agents in left side marching along that's surprised Ms. Hoover bit as they arrived mission control room to see a lot of staffs focus typing on the computer as wagon begin explain to them, "welcome to wild tera pokemon mission control room, our staffs begins tracking down on every wild pokemon with terastallized phenomenon in other universes, if alarm goes on when terastallized phenomenon turn on and we sent our fellow wild tera pokemon catchers over there to catch wild tera pokemon join the team or put them in pokemon storage for new wild tera pokemon catcher pick them up as new partner."

Allison: "that's cool."

Nell: "yeah."

"Greetings kids."

They spotted 18 yrs old blair flanning from yugioh gx original universe enter the mission control room with a smile on her face as ticket begins introducing them to her in kindness, "meet blair flanning, she's charge of this mission control room."

Nell: "very nice to meet you, Ms. Flanning."

Blair: "you too kiddo, I hope you all join this section or other sections someday as teenagers and grown up."

Valley: "we will."

After bid farewell to her, for Wagon and ticket take the group on next tour inside section 33 is garage with vehicles get built by engineers. Inside captain Simpson office with lisa and 4 heads of section with shocking expression on their faces about shadowkhans from the past is back from the dead as tatus republic's foot soldiers.

Captain fry: "we should tell Bucky and the rest back at paldea region about shadowkhans is back."

Captain leela: "you're right fry."

Captain fry: "am I?"

Captain arlelt: "and we should tell the shimmer's at everfree town about shadowkhans is back after all they're chi wizards."

Captain sentry: "good thinking buddy. We should go over there right now to tell them make green chi magic for us and our friends from uva academy protection from shadowkhans."

Captain Simpson: "wonderful idea, flash."

Then bender burst through the door that's surprised them bit while singing, "🎵 let's go alreadddddyyyy!"

[End part one in this chapter for tonight]

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