prince of sea return [edited]

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Springfield at 5:15 pm: businessman's social club

May hangout with fat Tony and his goons again for a while before heading back to Lovejoy residences, then Johnny tightlips look at may and said, "so kid, tomorrow this is last day to stay low." May replied, "yup, I'm seeing my family at my universe and spend time with them when Diaz called me for another errands from him."

Legs: "really that's good."

Louie: "you said it buddy."

Then suddenly Joe open the door forward really wide to see may and the group at the table who look at him with curious expression and he said to may with surprised, "hey kid, there familiar  Pokemon want to see you." An familiar Pokemon jump out of surprised to the building behind joe, its prince of the sea, Manaphy.

Manaphy: "mama."

Cause may get out her seat of surprised to see her son again from inside sea temple forever some how as manaphy made incredible leap towards may into her arms little bit off-guard and she said to him with kindness, "I miss you so much my prince of the sea." Manaphy replied back with loveable cry, "mana, phi, I miss you too mama."

Legs: "woah! Since when this adorable little guy learn to talk English."

May: "i raised him in egg as his mom, bonding, and learn human words after that."

Johnny tightlips: "aww that's so sweet."

She looked down at her son with confused expression and said, "what are you doing here, sweetie? You should be inside the sea temple." Then an familiar voice to answer may question, "I bring him here to see you for a while, may." She got more surprised to see her old friend, jack Walker the Pokemon ranger who enter the building and may said to him, "hey jack, it's was you bring manaphy here."

Jack: "yup, the HQ okay to bring prince of sea here to see you again."

May: "that's great, who told you I was here then?"

Jack: "this female from 'crazy Eddie' bugs exterminator business on the phone who told me about it."

They know 'crazy Eddie bugs exterminator' what Jack Walker talking bout it's section 17 and may said to him with little bit serious, "it's was section 17 who told you about it Jack." He blink twice of surprised and confused it was section 17 told him on the phone  from HQ today and said to her with polite, "that's explained so much, but don't worry I won't tell everyone from HQ about it." They smile at Jack Walker don't tell everyone from HQ about underground government facility underneath the whole canterlot from captain sentry original universe and may said to Jack very nicely, "thanks Jack."

Jack: "anytime may."

Meanwhile at canterlot city high school in the main lobby with principle celestia talking to Mr. Doodle and Tommy Oliver.

"Hello guys long time no see."

They stop talking turn right at the door become surprised to see the gummi bears in ther regular age enter the building.

Principal celestia: "zummi, tummi, and the gang

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Principal celestia: "zummi, tummi, and the gang. How you guys been."

Zummi: "great always my dear. How's scootaloo and the rest of them doing."

Tommy: "they're doing good and training to become serect agents of section 17."

Tummi: "wonderful hear to that, I heard about new types of Pokemon coming every universes from paldea region in Pokemon original universe. Correct."

Tommy: "correct big guy, you guys should visit uva academy to see bucky Barnes and the gang over there tomorrow at 8:30 am."

Grammi: "sounds good dearie."

Gruffi: "I guess."

Tommy: "oh gruffi, I miss your grumpy all the time."

Mr. Doodle: "you said it tommy."

Sakura trick original universe at 7:05 am on a Saturday

Sonoda residence: mitsuki bedroom

Mitsuki and yuzu in bed just snuggle each other with covers on for a moment when they started waking up with eyes open to look each other.

Mitsuki: "morning cutie."

Yuzu: "you too hot stuff, are you ready go swimming with our friends today."

Mitsuki: "yup."

She turns erotic mode started climbing on yuzu stomach to feel cloth that's she's wearing white sleeveless shirt as she stand in all fours to reveal beautiful slim body halfway with dd-cup breasts hanging above her face as cupped on begins sucking to hear moan of pleasure from mitsuki.

Mitsuki:"oh, oh,...honey kept going."

She use hand to grabbed another one begun groping make her moan of pleasure really loud for her sister hear it right next door who waking up lately and she said to herself with confused, "what's going on here in mitsuki room lately, they having fun in there or something." Back with the love birds when mitsuki give out another moan of pleasure in erotic mode with tongue stick out because yuzu use her finger to pinch and pull the nipple and she like it until felt something inside her breasts.

Mitsuki: "I...Im going to cum any minute."

She latched off the nipple to grabbed on both breasts with her hands started groping really hard make mitsuki started moan of pleasure really loud to spray milk everywhere like running out of control fire hose in a minute and collapse on top of yuzu with heavy breathing and sweats pouring down, they switch places with yuzu on top and mitsuki on bottom, they started take rest of clothes off underneath the blanket for a moment when they heard door open halfway with yū stick her head out at her sister bedroom with serious expression on her face at mitsuki and yuzu until she went freak out to see yuzu on top of mitsuki who looked at her.

Yū: "my bad you two."

She locked the latch behind her and closed the door after that begins walk away toward living room downstairs to watch tv, she look at mitsuki with a smile and said, "I love you babe." She replied back, "I love you too, hot stuff." They started making out as yuzu taking her a ride with blissful moan that filled up the bedroom from them.

[New edited chapter is out]

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