coach Braun haka dance idea

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During 4:55 pm at canterlot high football field with coach Braun and his assistant coaches gathered football players in their workout clothes standing in front of their coaches as Reiner said to them with kindness, "we got surprise guest is here today for teaching you all doing haka dance to scared other football players from grifftstone high school that we played against on Friday as away game."


Their heads to the left become surprise to see chs alumni rainbow dash enter football field approach the coaches and face forward the football players with Reiner begins introduce her to them, "meet chs alumni and element of loyalty wielder, rainbow dash. She can teach you all doing haka dance." Then rainbow step in to begins explain the football players in nicely, "haka dance is a ceremonial māori war dance for my ancestors scared off enemies inside the woods." They're surprise about doing haka dance for first time when they sitting in the bleachers begins watching her who crotch down bit in seperate with her arm sideways in both direction begins to speak in Samoan and doing haka war dance but they didn't know there's captain sentry, vice principal Artemis, flare warden standing behind the fence who rainbow dash's haka dance in front of coaches and football players.

Captain sentry: "(thought) I should tell rainbow dash doing haka dance for our catchers."

After her performance over with football players and coaches start clapping and rainbow dash said to them in kindness, "you guys are ready doing haka dance." The football players replied back in pride, "yes ma'am."

Rainbow: "alright let do it shall we."

At section 44 main lobby 5:00 am

Ramzi who's surprise to see blue mechno arm as his new whole right arm begins move fingers tips at once and look up at everyone with a smiles.

Reiner: "you like it kiddo."

Ramzi: "sure do detective. It's indestructible."

Gandra: "yup."

Ramzi: "no more pick-pocketing forever."

Commander magath smile pride to hear from ramzi about no more pick-pocketing to grab money inside someone pocket forever and said, "atta boy. By the way how old are you?" Ramzi replied, "9 yrs old, sir." Then captain venderquack said to him in kindness, "how do you like to join section 44 as wild tera pokemon catcher." Ramzi smile on his face at captain venderquack offered him to join section 44 as wild tera pokemon catcher and he said to her in polite, "of course ma'am."

Captain venderquack: "excellent welcome to section 44 ramzi. You should get stuff inside pokemon storage that you pick your partners out that you want. Oh you getting paid in every Friday by the way."

Ramzi: "great, my grandfather and my younger brother will be proud of me."

Pieck: "they will, kiddo."

Pikachu: "Pikachu."

[New chapter is out for today]

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