iono vs yuma okazaki

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Netsuzo trap original universe on Tuesday September 15th, 2017 in unknown city, japan: high school at 12:30 pm

At high school backyard with iono and yuma having stare down to each other in 10 feet away having pokemon battle practice while being watched by hotaru mizushina, takeda, Winnie the pooh who busy eating inside honey pot, Tigger, ok joe, headmaster Starlight glimmer, and bonkers from the far as iono and yuma pull out their pokeball on their hands begins toss it in the air and called out their pokemon.

Iono: "it's streamtime, mismagius!"

Yuma: "come out, skiploom!"

They're come out from their pokeball to outside having staring down to each other for a moment when yuma called out the attack for skiploom, "use bullet seed!" She fire three bullet seeds straight to migamgius until iono called out counter attack, "now dodged and use shadow ball!" She went up to dodged the attack and fire shadow ball straight towards skiploom quick with direct hit caused halfway medium damage that surprised yuma bit and said in kindness, "nice dodged iono."

Iono: "thanks dudette."

Starlight: "nice attack plan for iono right there."

Takeda: "you said it Ms. Glimmer."

"Um guys!"

They turned their heads to the right got funny expression on their faces to see pooh got his head stuck inside honey pot and said, "one of you guys get this honey pot off my head, please." They give out a joyful giggle and hotaru said to him with kindness, "I'll do it, you silly ol' bear."

Back at the pokemon battle practice

Iono: "use confused ray!"

Yuma: "Uh-oh!"

She fire confused ray at skiploom quick become confused for kuma can't do anything to call out attack for her skiploom who become confused as iono called out another attack, "use shadow ball again!" She fire another one straight to confused skiploom right on the face with direct hit and heavily critical damage when skiploom collapsed on the ground begins fainted on cue for headmaster Starlight glimmer called out the match, "skiploom is unable to battle and the winner is mismagius! The Victor goes to iono the gym leader."

Tigger: "Woohoo, that's pokemon battle practice I ever saw."

Ok Joe: "you said it dude."

Pooh: "yeah."

After sending their pokemon back inside pokeball, they begins approach each other for a second and stop to lock eyes together with a smile on their faces as Yuma said to her in kindness, "great practice iono."

Iono: "thanks you, dudette."

Meanwhile at section 17

In the office with captain sentry at his desk staring direct at someone in the office with him as he began to explain in kindness, "you heading to levicnia city, paldea region on Thursday for practice with dinky doo on Friday, understand me." An mystery person step out bit in front of captain desk to reveal 18 yrs old Pacifica Northwest from gravity Falls original universe in section 17 jumpsuit with dark purple details and got pokebelt around her waist as captain sentry finish his sentence, "agent Northwest." She replied back to him in kindness with a salute, "yes captain."

Captain sentry: "and I send Joey Wheeler over there too as well on Thursday."

Pacifica: "good idea."

[New chapter is out for today]

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