Chapter 3

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Jay Halstead, he had a lot to do, a lot to plan, but he didn't control his mind, he didn't control his thoughts. Since Friday morning, he thought about her. Lindsay Davis couldn't get out of her mind, those bright hazel eyes, those dimples that pierced her cheek and pulled her into a beautiful smile, that brown hair. He doesn't want to be reckless, or too quick, but he really felt attracted to that woman, he knows it's because he can't even remember the last time he slept with someone, but he doesn't feel that way about all the women he's worked with, damn, he has a team of women, but he knows, Lindsay moved him in a way he couldn't explain.

His life was very busy, since the children's accident, Halstead didn't get involved with another woman, didn't want to be in a relationship and didn't even like one-night stands, Hailey managed to fuck up almost everything in his life. In addition to avoiding getting involved with women, for his own troubles, he wanted to be a better man for his children.

Jay wasn't totally closed off to relationships, the occasional date or two, dinner parties and casual sex, nothing more and nothing less. He wasn't reckless like Upton was. He didn't have sex the first night, he didn't go without protection and he wasn't the man he was with whom he didn't know anymore, so he didn't have many dates or almost none of them even reached the third. Jay was fine like that, he didn't believe in love and if it really existed, he wasn't in the man's plans.

When he first saw her, something moved him like he'd never felt before, he watched her, he saw her speaking with passion, with conviction. When she'd said she'd been studying the case from the beginning, he'd felt a passion to hunt down those bastards, to seek justice for those children. She was firm on his words, she knew what she was talking about. She wasn't the only woman on the team of 34 agents, but she was without a doubt the most confident. She stood up in front of everyone, she spoke with her head held high. She wasn't intimidated by that idiot of a boss of hers. Even though he could see that the way he treated her made her angry, she still wasn't one to shut up. She was strong and determined. And in that moment he wanted her on his team. He wanted her as one of his agents, as the case continued, he knew she would be good for the team.

The problem is that she was in conflict with what her body wanted. Halstead had a rule not to get involved with anyone at work, but her body craved her. When he returned home and his body relaxed, he found himself getting hard just from the image of her, but he preferred a cold shower, he wouldn't satisfy him with the image of Lindsay, he thinks that would be a disgusting thing to do to someone who knows her under 24. He can't control his mind and body, but he can control his impulses.

He'd thought about going out with her, having a casual encounter, a few nights of fun, but for some reason he didn't just want sex or a casual encounter and felt like that wouldn't be appropriate. So, in addition to controlling her impulses, he would control her desires, he couldn't have her and it was more important to him that more children had a guarantee of life than a few dates to satisfy his needs.

With all that going on, between her being a badass and kicking Diaz's ass. She was amazing with the kids. She soothed them, she was comforting, she seemed to know exactly what to do and he wonders if she is a mother. Is she a single parent like he is a single parent or was she married? Well, even though it hurt to think about it, it would help. First, the man should be a lucky man and second, he doesn't relate to his employees. He would ask her out, that's what he wanted, but he saw potential in her and so he decided that asking her to be on her team would be the best decision, what if she didn't accept it? Well, he would try to take her out to dinner.

When he saw how poorly Conrad Miller treated her, he felt that he should absolutely hire her. First, he already wanted her on his team and second, she deserved better than to be treated that way. She deserved recognition, she deserved more authority, for she was the best he had ever seen. She deserved to be in charge of the cases, she deserved her own team and the victims, they deserved to know that there would be someone like her fighting and doing everything possible to find them and give them a better life. He might not have the power to change the world, but he had the power to hand her her own team and thus change the reality of some.

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