Chapter 20

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They separated in time for Jay to arrive at Aydan's house. He thought Erin would make him late, but he actually arrived half an hour earlier than planned, even with dinner and even with the most intimate moment they shared.

Jay joined his children in the living room. They colored, played games and Jay stayed with them while they ate, since he had already eaten. Then he took the two children to the bath.

Aydan and her husband Kemal left them alone and Jay was already so used to their reception that he no longer felt uncomfortable or felt guilty about leaving the children there, they really treated them as if they were their grandparents.

- Let's make a video call every day, as soon as you wake up and before you go to sleep, ok? - He tells his children to nod. He's lying down with Jesse on his lap and Maya next to him. He would even lie down in the middle, but he was afraid of waking them up when he tried to get out and then it would be easier to maneuver his sleeping son than to move around in the bed to the point of disturbing his two children.

- Can you read to us? - Maya asks.

- Of course. What do you want? - He asks.

- Good night moon. - They ask together. It was their favorite book together, but they had their other options. However, Jay secretly loved this one, it was the book his mother read to him every night and it was the book he read to his children as babies and it was also the one he read when his children were in the hospital. So he loved this book and was happy to read it.

- Good choice. - He smiles and takes the book, opening it in a position that would be easy for him to read and for his children to observe the pictures. He then begins. - In the big green room, there was a telephone and a red balloon and a painting of a cow...

- Moo - The children imitate the animal's sound, in the past it was just Jay, but now that they have grown up they like to make the sound. Then Jay smiles and continues.

- ...jumping over the moon. And there were three teddy bears, sitting on chairs...

- I love teddy bears. - Says Maya, seeing the teddy bears.

- I know so Maya-bear. - Jay kisses the top of her head and continues. - ...and two kittens...

- Meow, meow, meow. - they meow, pretending to scratch Jay and snuggle even closer to him. It was one of his favorite parts, as the children clung to him even more.

- ...and a pair of gloves, and a comb, and a brush, and a bowl of porridge and a little candle going "shhh".

- Babanne. - Jesse says and the three laugh.

- Good night, room. - Maya continues softly in a whisper.

- Good night, light. - says Jesse in the same whispered tone as his sister.

- Good night, cow jumping over the moon. - Jay says and the children smile. Normally Jay would watch them looking as they could say goodnight in their own room, but this time Maya was silent and he noticed that his youngest was opening and closing his eyes, he would fall asleep quickly. - Good night, moon...

- Good night, red balloon... - your eldest daughter says. Maya says goodnight to the bears, and Jay says goodnight to everyone else, the gloves, the comb, the cats and even the stars which was his son's part when he got there.

- ...good night noises, everywhere. - At this point Jay's voice was as soft as possible, as he was sure his son had fallen asleep in the middle of the story.

His trick was to always dim the lights in the room, his voice would become increasingly low and soft, which was good, as it calmed his children and they also always tended to speak softly. His children didn't always fall asleep after the first story, or stay calm like they do today, sometimes it was a struggle to get them to sleep. But today he ended up arriving late due to some unforeseen circumstances with Lindsay and the children were tired. So it was easy.

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