Chapter 48

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He was missing and his lack of response left everyone worried. Davis thought he might have been scared by something since he had been very quiet since the fight. Maybe she and Jay were wrong that he took it too well. Just as they started to get even more worried, they finally found him, but it wasn't the way they wanted.

- Jesse... - Lindsay shouts and catches everyone's attention. They had gone up to the second floor of the church which was not finished.

- Look, you were quick. - the man says smiling.

As soon as Jay saw his son in the man's arms, Jay ran to his son's aid.

- If I were you, I wouldn't take another step. - the man says, threatening to throw the boy from the second floor. Since the part he was in didn't have a wall.

- If they take one more step... - the man leans over Jesse, who was crying in fear.

- Nooooo - everyone says together and taking a step forward.

- One more step and I'll let go. - the man who was causing a ruckus earlier was back.

- What do you want? - Jay asks and everyone stops.

While they talk, Lindsay looks at her sister and asks her to get Maya out of there, who is completely terrified. Sam does exactly that and leaves with all the people who won't be able to help and she was about to call the police, but they were already there, they just called for more backup.

- What I want? You guys come here like you're doing charity for us and what? Do they call the police on me and try to take my son away from me? Do you know what the system will do with it? Well... I'm going to show you what it's like to lose someone. - he says angrily and Lindsay and Jay look at each other. He's been on drugs since this morning, that's why he's so upset.

Today was supposed to be a good day, a day where the kids would learn something new and good, a day where it would be the best holiday ever, they wanted a tradition together, but so far, things weren't going well.

- I want my son back, but since I know you are useless and won't give it to me, I'll let you see what it's like to lose a child...

- The system will not take your child away from you. - Davis says quickly, his eyes filling with the chance of losing Jesse, he was crying and looking at them, at times he was screaming for them, especially for Jay.

- Daddy... - he screams and looks at his father begging him to get him out of there.

- Hey... - Jay takes a step forward and soon regrets it because the man supports the boy even more to push him. Jay knows that if Jesse slips he's going to fall and his heart is racing.

- Get away...

- You can continue to have custody of your child, the courts don't take children away from their parents that easily, but you need to take care of yourself, go to rehabilitation... - she continues.

- No, you just want to arrest me in a different place and under a different name. You think you're fooling me...-he says angrily, he doesn't know that they are police officers and Lindsay thought about saying that, but she knows that this could probably be the end of Jesse. So, she just wants to convince him to release the boy and then she can take him away from this man.

- Hey... I'll help you, you just need to let him go... - Jay says trying to control himself.

- Do you think I'm idiot? - the man says to him.

- No, I'm serious, let's just justify that you were upset because of being treated badly, that everything was a misunderstanding...

- It won't help, I ran away from the police, they left me without handcuffs and I ran away, I know you won't tell them to let me free after I caught your son, I'm not an idiot... - Erin isn't paying attention to him and yes to Jesse.

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