Chapter 32

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Things started to get more and more intense and surprisingly, it was with Maya. She forbade Jay to touch her hair. I didn't want him to do hairstyles on her anymore. She went to school only with the hair combed and loose or tied that she herself tied. Nothing very tidy, as she liked before.

Jay took his children to the museum and the two were angry that Erin wasn't there, but the fact that Sam went calmed his little girls.

Jay insisted that Erin go, which she refused. However, in the end, even if she wanted to go, she couldn't, because she was called to work. Erin did what Jay asked for and called Samantha who said yes and Jay was happy that he would have the support of the girl's sister.

- Hi kids. - Sam says he sits in the passenger seat. - On the one hand, not having to squeeze me between two car seats is very good. - she says in greeting to Jay who smiles.

Jay loved Sam, she seemed comfortable with his family and that's how he would like her to feel. It was funny because at first he thought he would have to insist on having the girl get together with them at various times, but Samantha seemed to love to be present and not thank you and the fact that she left even without her sister present said a lot about her. Jay loved the Davis sisters.

They went to the museum and Jay could not see physical similarity in the two and both had somewhat opposite personalities, but they were equally kind and attentive. Jay would never get tired of seeing how someone he has known for such a short time could have such a positive impact on their children's lives.

Sam was genuine and Jay already saw her as his own younger sister for him or older daughter. In the same way that Erin was dedicated to caring about his children, he saw no problem in caring equally about her sister. Not because Erin did it, but because he knew and knew that she also knew, that they had everything to be more, even if they hadn't even been together a year ago.

Jay watches Sam holding his children's hands and explaining many things to them. Erin confessed that she was surprised that her sister wanted to go out on a winter Saturday to go to a history museum with two children and her sister's boyfriend. However, Sam said "you love them, right? So it's not a sacrifice. Besides, they're nice and I miss the kids, they're cute and pamper me." Pulling out a laugh from Erin.

- And how is college going? - Jay asks when he and Sam walk side by side and the children run in a huge corridor and according to their children, without end.

- Very well, actually. I think I found myself, you know? - Sam says. - I liked social sciences, but I really love it. - She smiles.

- If you need any help with your studies, you can look for me. - she smiles and stares at him.

- Did you also do it right? - she asks.

- Not really. I've never been to college, but you know. Greg, one of my sergeants asked me for help to take the sergeant exam and I helped him and modesty part, he only went through my help and he was already intelligent. - Sam laughs once again.

- Thank you. - She smiles. Jay looked like a father, he was trying to be nice and he was, but she saw how nervous he was. An attempt to approach her without looking forced? And she believed him.

The moment is interrupted because apparently the children were wrong, the corridor had an end yes.


- That's what? An ant on your neck? - Jay tells Maya and she faces her father with expectation and then he tickles his daughter's neck.

They were all sitting to eat and in the same way Jay stopped to observe her behavior, Sam stopped to observe Jay's. She never had a father, but Hank, Erin's father, has been a very nice guy since she met him, but having access to someone being a father, so live, she never had.

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