Chapter 13

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The door was not locked when they were interrupted, Méndez had a habit of knocking and entering before an answer. Jay didn't care, as he had never been in this situation, not until now.

They walked away immediately and were happy that no one had entered the office and soon another knock came. They look at each other scared and Jay looks at a disheveled Erin.

- Use my bathroom. - He waves in the direction and watches her disappear as he adjusts himself by looking in the mirror. He wipes his red mouth and is thankful Lindsay doesn't have lipstick on, as it would be difficult to wipe it off in seconds. He needs to think about puppies and old women to take his mind off everything he wanted to do with Lindsay. He was always a perfect gentleman, but he doesn't know what came over him when he grabbed her, he felt the need to lock the door and use all the inanimate furniture in his office. He takes a deep breath and sees Lindsay leaving the bathroom and finally approaches the door.

- Hi, I'm Kimberly Burgess. - the brunette smiles at him.

So he's grateful for Burgess interrupting him from his unprofessional activities, because as much of a gentleman as he wanted to be, he didn't seem to be in control at that moment.

- Kimberly, hi, it's a pleasure. I'm ASAC Halstead. Sorry for the delay in answering, we were in a meeting. - he lies and opens the way for her to enter.

-Okay...-she says as she enters. - I only went up because they released me, I don't want to get in the way.

- It's not disturbing...

- Kim!! -Erin comes out of her thoughts, as she can't go there. - I'm so happy to see you. - She smiles and hugs her friend. -Her eyes go to Jay and it's funny that while they were apart internally cursing themselves for being so unprofessional, now looking at each other they wanted to cancel the meeting and have their own with closed and locked doors so as not to be interrupted.

- And me from you. -Her friend says and Lindsay forces herself to look away from Halstead, it was mesmerizing, but she couldn't.

They talk for a while and Davis leaves, leaving the two to talk alone so she can calm her body, because even though her friend was distracted, it was still his room, his desk and the smell of him surrounding her, she needed a minute. .

Halstead asked normal questions about Agent Burgess, they were just getting to know each other, the job was hers and if this was an interview she would be hired, she had good recommendations and seemed to be very professional. She didn't have that much experience in disguises, but she would learn over time. Just like Kevin.

- Just don't go yet, I want to talk to you and Atwater along with SSA Davis... who was now laughing at something Kevin had said.

He put his jealousy aside days ago when he saw their interaction, but if he still felt some jealousy, the way she looked at him with a smile and dimples made him remember that moments before they were kissing intensely in his living room.

He then asks Erin and Kevin to come inside.

- Well, I'll ask them to issue your documents urgently. - he says looking at Burgess, as today was Kevin's first day. -I believe you know that your boss is SSA Davis and her team will consist of a total of 5 agents, in addition to her. You report to her and well, she trusts you to be her team and I trust her judgment, I could feel a little bit of your trust during the interview. - He says, receiving a wave from Kevin and a smile from Kim and Lindsay.

- I want to thank you for accepting this offer and that it will be good to work with you, that we are a team and a family now and we will continue to care and protect each other.- She smiles at her friends. - The team is on a case so I'm going to introduce you to the room we were in and my office and everything I know and have learned to date. - She smiles and gets up. Jay does the same.

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