Chapter 28

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If you could predict only a small part of your future and saw that everything would go out of plan, how would you react? Would you try to redo your steps? Would you change everything or just let it happen? Each choice would have its consequences and as said earlier, you would only have part of the story and not it completely. The consequences could be good or bad and you simply have no control.

Jay fulfilled the usual ritual with the children of when he needed to be absent for a while. They played a little, had dinner, took their baths and he lay down with his children for another story. The children don't like it when he travels, but they have already learned that he will call in the morning and at night and that he will come back. Then a story was told, then two and in the third he had his two children asleeper.

Jay took the road, from Manhattan to Boston it was less than 4 hours, he could go without problems and would still arrive in time for the morning call.

The first day was good. He called the children who were distracted once again by Erin and Sam. They made them company for breakfast.

It was a good first day. In the second, the children were not so happy because Lindsay did not show up, she was called to a case very early and could not pass to see them, but the children were fine with it. Well, until Jay told me at night that he wasn't coming back that day as promised.

Jay was about to deliver and pass on a case. He had to stay to help, he wanted to refuse, but he knew that his help was important, he knew the case better than they did. The children didn't like it at all, but they accepted, not least because they had no other choice. The problem came on the third day.

The children woke up without Erin's visit and the only thing that could be worse than that was that Jay didn't answer the morning call.

The children's mood changed throughout the day, the first to show irritation was Jesse right at breakfast time. He refused to eat and threw the plate on the floor like a 1-year-old child. The only problem is that he was five and was no longer a baby. If Jesse wasn't most of the time a super polite and respectful child, Aydan could have been annoyed by it. It was just a day without talking to the father and actually not even that since they talked the night before, in addition to the fact that the day had just begun so Jay could call at any time. So I didn't justify such behavior.

However, due to the traumas, the children had the abandonment syndrome and they suffered from nightmares from an accident they suffered years ago. Jesse was still too young to remember everything, but his subconscious still left him with trauma.

That didn't stop Aydan from dealing with the situation in her own way. Jay let her educate the children, because she knew she wouldn't do them any harm, but she wouldn't accept bad behavior either. So, in addition to telling him that it was inadmissible to throw the plate on the floor and waste food, she made him clean. It wasn't easy, but she raised two children, so she had plenty of patience.

Almost late in the morning, Jesse once again asked for his father. He said he wanted to go back to the house and to Dad. Aydan doesn't know where this came from, because he had no nightmares. And then after lunch he strangely settled for the toys and didn't say anything else.

Maya missed her father at lunchtime, she said that he is forgotten and maybe he didn't even have lunch, which she was right, not only did she but Lindsay also know that and sent a message asking him to eat something. So Maya was upset because she should have told her father to go on the trip with him so that she wouldn't let him forget. Soon that also passed.

Jesse's third situation was right after the afternoon nap and a nightmare, he cried asking for his father, which would not happen.

So, not knowing what else to do, Aydan called the FBI headquarters and ended up getting Lindsay's number. She knew that Jay would not deliberately ignore her children and also knew that Erin might be able to calm Jesse and if she couldn't, Erin would have a much better chance to contact Jay, because she could have the number of everyone who was with the man and get in touch somehow, she would know who to call in Boston and warn Jay.

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