Chapter 37

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Two months have passed since that night. Things advanced in a different way between them, now the feeling of becoming a more explicit family to themselves, even if they didn't talk much about it.

They didn't let the children know that they spent the night at their house, it was still early and also because it was not the intention but the situation that led them to that.

Erin and Jay's relationship seemed even stronger and more intense and Sam had an even greater admiration for the guy. The way he took care of Erin and even her, was her certainty that he was really serious and she already knew it, but by words, that night it was because of attitudes.


The holidays were already in the final stretch, so they planned a trip all together to celebrate the things that happened recently.

Jay and Erin couldn't celebrate a year of their dating much, because they worked on the day, so Jay's annual trip to Chicago should be that, but since it was still the children's and Sam's vacation, they ended up thinking that it would be a good idea to turn this into a vacation trip of the two families. Sam liked the idea and the children were excited to travel all together. In addition, it would be a good farewell to the holidays and an extra 6th birthday gift for Jesse. So, they were all happy, in addition to the fact that Jay and Erin would get some time alone since they would have two nannnies who did not volunteer for this. Sam and Greg, who joined them this year.

Chicago, Il

They disembarked in Chicago early in the morning. Jay with a sleeping Jesse in his arms. Erin holding hands with Maya who was also dying of sleep. Samantha barely looking at where she was glazed on her cell phone and Greg pushing a cart with everyone's bags, since Jay who was going to push, was taking her son.

- Sam, if you continue like this, you will bump into someone. Who do you talk to so much at 6 a.m.? - Erin asks. Already wondering who it would be. His sister and Logan got very close since Maya's birthday, mainly because he also did it right, but whenever Erin asked, the times Sam didn't say he wasn't doing anything, she said they weren't dating and that nothing had happened. Erin still didn't know if she believed it or not.

- She's talking to her boyfriend. - Maya says with a silly child's smile teasing the young woman.

- Are you dating? - Jay asks.

- It's not my boyfriend. - She looks at Maya.

- But you want it to be. - Maya provokes again.

- And if you keep talking, I'll send you on a one-way trip to the first destination I find here. - Sam also answers by playing to the girl who shuts up quickly, making the other three adults laugh. - I thought you were my confidant. - Sam says after some time.

- I am. - Maya lets go of Erin's hand and takes Sam's hand who has already dropped his cell phone.

They had only rented one car, it would fit all, because it had 7 seats. Which was good, because that way Samantha wouldn't squeeze.

Greg and Samantha sat in the back. The kids in the middle and with Jay and Erin in front. They went to the same hotel that the couple stayed in the previous year.

It was a trip of only three days, so Samantha saw no problem sharing the room with the two children. Their room had two double beds and a door that connected to Jay and Erin's room. And Mouse got a room just for him, so he could follow his annual tradition that was denied to him the previous year in favor of his friends' relationship. At least it had worked out very well, so it was worth it.

The first day was quiet, the hotel had a children's space, so it was good for Samantha to distract the children while Erin, Jay and Greg went to the conference they had.

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