Chapter 34

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- Hey buddy. - Jay says calling his son.

- No. - He makes a face for his father. Pure jealousy.

- Aren't you happy for me and Erin? - Jay asks.

- No. - he says caressing her hand.

Jay looks at Erin, Jay thought that telling his children was just an adult problem of him and Erin about adding someone constantly to their lives indefinitely and more frequently than they were used to, not that they would have to deal with frustrated children.

- Hey, do you want to go up with me and have a conversation just me, you and Maya? - Erin asks the boy and he nods. She puts him on the floor, taking his hand and going up the stairs together.

Jay and Sam knew they shouldn't go up the stairs because it would be a private matter, but when their eyes cross they both get up immediately following just behind to spy.

- Can I come in? - Erin asks at the door of the girl's room. She doesn't answer, she shrugs and Erin accepts it as a yes. She sits on Maya's bed next to her who is also sitting on the bed. The woman pulls the boy on her lap and starts. - I thought you would like me to be with your father. - Maya shrugs her shoulders once again, indicating that she didn't care and Erin holds the laugh when she sees Jesse doing the same. She ignores him momentarily, he was very cute, but her concern was the girl's attitude. - Can you tell me what you're feeling? - she asks by running her hand through her hair.

- I don't want to. - she replies, she focuses on her stuffed unicorn, avoiding the woman's gaze.

- You know you can tell me everything you want, right? - Erin asks taking an arm to pull Maya for a hug. - You know, me and your father thought you would like to know that. Now I'm going to see you more often. - she says shaking the two trying to cheer them up.

- Lying! - Maya refutes. They didn't seem excited, Maya was clearly upset and Jesse was just quiet.

- Of course, if you want it, of course. - she says looking at Maya.

- I don't want you to date. - She confesses.

- Neither do I. - Jesse speaks for the first time, she might understand him, but not Maya.

- Why not? Can you tell me? - Erin asks.

- Because you won't be nice anymore. - the girl says holding back her tears.

- What? Of course I will, I'll still be the same. - she responds quickly.

- Lie, you're going to stay with daddy just for you, you're going to tell us to go out to be alone with dad. - She responds leaving Erin confused.

Jay and Sam were at the door. Jay wanting to understand where his daughter was coming from.

- What? Of course not! Jay and I are going to go out a few times just the two of us, but we are also going to go out much more with you. Today, for example, if you don't get so upset, I can put you to bed. - Jesse gives a little smile and Maya looks at her with expectation, but she hasn't given in yet.

- You're just doing this to date daddy. - She tells.

- Actually... - she whispers, not totally, because she knows that the two gossipers on the bedroom door can hear. - I'm just dating your father to put them to bed. - she provokes and smiles when she finally pulls a smile from the girl. - Listen... - Erin says going down Jesse, just to put him on his lap again, this time in front of her. So she could look at both of them. - Nothing will change between us, just if you want to and when I'm crossing the limits, you let me know. - she says kissing Maya's temple and Jesse lying on her shoulder. - I love your father very much and I'm happy that he lets me be part of your life because I love you very, very much. - she caresses the boy's head. - Did you know that I'm only in your life because of him? He let me see you, be here with you, so when he shows up we'll thank him, okay?

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