Chapter 23

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If you know a little about biology, a son not looking like his father doesn't mean much. Jesse was practically the mini version of Jay and even though Maya didn't physically resemble her father, she had the man's mannerisms. The way she got mad, the way she smiled. Erin never stopped to think about why her boyfriend's daughter didn't physically resemble her father. Jesse was Jay's version, maybe she was her mother's version.

Lindsay looked like her mother Bunny. Not much, but she had similar features and she inherited her mother's dimples. At least she thought that, until she met Hank Voight. She looked like him. He also had curves, she had his chin and smile. Erin knew it was a mix of her parents.

Sam didn't look like Erin or Bunny, so all she had to do was look like her biological father, so there was never really a reason for Lindsay to think about it, not until she heard from Jay that he wasn't Maya's father.

- I mean, she's my daughter. - Jay states. -  Not biological, but mine! - he says with conviction, he never had any doubts about it. - Yeah... - he looks at her. - I'll take care of her. I know she loves my pancakes, her favorite color is pink and purple, her favorite stuffed animal is fuffly because she loves unicorns. I know she doesn't talk, but I style her hair crookedly. That when she gets mad she frowns and pouts looking more cute than mad. I know she loves dancing and loves her brother. I know her, every part of her, because she is my daughter. -he says this and it seemed like he was trying to convince her that this was true, even though he saw in her eyes that it wasn't necessary, so if that wasn't enough, her touch should be.

Erin puts her hand on his leg and squeezes gently in comfort. She stares at him, she knew Jay was the father. It doesn't matter that I don't have blood. She remains silent and lets him take his time to tell her everything.

- I didn't know until she was three years old. - he begins. He trusted Lindsay and he already knew he wanted her in his life, she was so sincere when it came to him and his children, that opening up to her about the worst phase of his life was a step he was ready to take. . - I was in NY, sleeping around with any woman that appeared in front of me. - he avoids her eyes. - That's how I ended up meeting Hailey, the children's mother. She was a waitress at the bar I went to and we hooked up a couple of times and two weeks later, she told me she was pregnant. - he looks at her. - She was a nice woman, we talked sometimes, we didn't have any relationship and I always used protection, but I still knew I wasn't always careful. When she said she would have my child, I knew she didn't want to be like my father. That baby would be loved, he would have everything he deserved and I would take care of him no matter what, he would be protected. - he says looking deep into Erin's eyes.

Erin doesn't say anything, she just smiles. She knew he was talking about Maya. She didn't know anything, but today, 7 years later, she knows that he would fulfill his promise eternally, he was fulfilling it masterfully. It takes her to her past, but she doesn't let herself get carried away, it wasn't about her, it was about Jay.

- When Maya was born, Hailey had some problems and fell ill, she stopped breastfeeding Maya and that's when they both came to live with me. We didn't love each other, but I guess since it was just the two of us with a baby, it ended up happening. We got married so she could have access to my health insurance and when Maya turned 3 months old, Hailey wanted to go back to waitressing. I didn't agree with that, but I didn't stop her. - Jay drinks his drink, his mind going back to the past he would pay to forget. - When Maya was two years old, I had to go on my third tour. I didn't want to go, I didn't want to be a bad father, I wanted to be there for my daughter, because I'd rather take care of her than let Hailey do it. She wasn't a bad mother back then, but she didn't have much patience, but I had no choice. I had to go on a mission to Afghanistan.

- How did you get back?

- Greg and I were in a humve. - she notices him swallowing hard. - We were just the two of us when we were surrounded. We were kidnapped, tortured. - now it's her turn to swallow hard. - I thought I was going to die, but I had a little girl waiting for me at home, I couldn't give up. So, our team found us and as bad as it was being tortured for 2 months, that's what got me medical leave. I was able to retire and return to my children.

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