Chapter 42

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After he picked up his children, Jay smiled at Erin's message. He thought he might not see her again today, but she asked if he and the kids would like to have dinner and a movie at her apartment. The kids were excited about the idea, especially with Jay saying that he thought they should keep her company.

Jay picked Erin up at FBI headquarters and Erin asked Jay to stop by the supermarket first. Maya was more talkative again, she said that Billy told her the sad things again, but this time she was just sad for him and didn't get affected because she knew it wouldn't happen to her. Which was good because she was excited and happy again, she was back.

At Erin's apartment, they leave the kids in the living room. They didn't want to help in the kitchen because they were focused on a puzzle they got as a gift from Aydan. This wasn't the best decision for the kids, as Jay and Erin looked like two teenagers.

Instead of focusing on cooking, they were kissing. Until Jay walked away.

- You have to stop this. I told you to come here before and take advantage of this empty apartment. - he says holding her face and turning to the side so he can kiss her neck. - Now... - he runs his tongue down her neck to her ear. - You're going to have to hold on. - he whispers in her ear, gently biting her ear.

- You need to stop. - she says breathlessly, almost going crazy with his provocations.

- Why? Are you wet again for me? - he asks and smiles when he hears a slight moan from her. - When we were alone, I made it up to you. - he says smiling and moving away from her. As much as he wanted to, he only did it to tease her like she did earlier. - Now we're even. - he says. He managed to control himself and went to the living room to see his children.

After they ate dinner, Erin prepared some sweets she had at home for the kids.

- What are you doing? - Maya comes close to Erin when she sees her putting a mattress on the floor.

- Pajama night. Let's watch horror movies and eat sweets. - Jay stares at her, he had said earlier in the supermarket, no horror films. - Children's horror films. - she explains, finishing arranging the mattress. - Lay down. - she says and they jump excitedly until they get tired and lie down. - We have three options for you. Which do you want? - Erin asks, leaving three saved films on the screen for the boys to see. I had the option of Coraline, The Monster House and Hotel Transylvania.

After choosing a movie, Erin leaves the sweets in the middle of the mattress, she and Jay lying on the couch.

- Can we watch all three? - Jesse asks.

- Yes, we can marathon if you want. - Jay says to his children.

- The only thing missing was Sam here. We'll have to make a day of it. - Maya says and everyone nods and they put play on the first movie.

- I think I want to do the same, just you and me - Jay whispers. The volume of the television acting as a barrier for small ears.

- Uhm. And we can watch real horror movies.

- We can, but I doubt we'll be paying attention. - He kisses the back of her head.

- You have a very dirty mouth, Halstead. - she whispers.

- Why don't you come clean? - he says and she kisses him, but quickly moves away. If they got emotional, the sounds of kisses could attract the children's attention.

Even though the couple is horny and lying together on the couch, Erin in front of Jay and them spooning each other, they manage to control themselves for the sake of the kids.

The marathon lasted less than an hour, because at the end of the first film Jesse was sleeping with a piece of popcorn in his hand and another in his mouth, and Maya already had her back to the television.

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