Chapter 52

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The next day Samantha didn't even see her sister, she only received a message from her saying she had to go to work. So Sam packed up and went to college.

At lunch time, Sam was going to her car, she would study at a cafe, so she could have lunch and study without wasting too much time. She had a test before they went on their end-of-year mini vacation.

- Sam... hi... - Logan appears before she gets in the car.

- Hi... - she forces a smile.

- Where are you going?

- In a cafe, have lunch and study.

- I can go with you? - he asks.

- I don't know... Logan, I...

- I want to talk. Please.

- OK. - She gives in and gets in the car.


They arrive at the cafe, place their orders and remain in an awkward silence. They were both upset with each other, but Logan knew he had to apologize, so he spoke first.

- I'm sorry about yesterday, I know I ended up being very rude to you. You said there were a lot of things I told you that were true, but whether they were true or not, I shouldn't have spoken to you that way. I think I just got frustrated that you said no and ended up wanting to fight instead of understanding your side. It's always been you and your sister, so I don't think it's my decision to make whether you decide to move or not. -he says, eye to eye and she sees the sincerity in her words.

- I was really very upset with you yesterday, but I also know that I ended up ruining your surprise, even if it wasn't my intention. Even though I'm not ready, I still love you and I love what you did and your intention. - She smiles at him.

- Well, it could still be our place. My parents said they'll help me with the rent, so I won't need a roommate. So like you said, let's have more privacy whenever we want to be alone. - He holds her hand and smiles. She reciprocates. Holding on to his anger because he had complained the day before about her being 21 and Erin still paying for her, with his parents paying for his rent. She could throw it in his face, but she wouldn't.

- I think it's a good idea. - She smiles at him and intertwines their fingers. Until they have to move away when their food arrives.


- Jay! Cover me! - Erin screams. As they break into a warehouse. They were looking for a suspect and when Jay nods that he's right behind, she points the gun and continues down the path.

Before either of them could react, the suspect appears with an iron bar, Erin puts her hand out to protect herself and manages to hold on, even with her injured hand. Jay quickly intervenes and grabs the guy, knocking him to the ground.

- Are you well? - he asks as he puts the man's hands behind his back.

- Yes, it just happened badly. - she says, placing her hand on her sore wrist.

The NYPD quickly arrives with handcuffs and takes the suspect away.

- You will pay. - the man threatens. The FBI had just broken up the drug cartel that used underage prostitutes.

- Are you really OK? Let me see? - Jay approaches, not even giving that man any idea, what they heard most were threats from the imprisoned criminals. - Let's see outside with the paramedics.

- This isn't even close to what I've been through at work, I'll be fine. - She smiles at Jay and even though he doesn't really agree, he accepts, it didn't seem so bad, it seemed like he had just hit the bone.

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