Chaoter 54

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The feeling that someone you love is hurt is the worst feeling you can feel. You never want to hear that your sister is in the hospital with someone looking at you with pity and without all the information.

- Where is she? Where is she??? - Samantha arrives desperate at the hospital. Her fear was notable, she was crying and terrified.

- Sam... - Jay holds her. She arrived hitting him and begging him to tell her where her sister was. - She's in surgery. We have to wait. - in seconds he observed her, he saw her despair. He remembered him, he remembered all her pain and he remembered her pain when she witnessed Erin's accident too. He understood the girl and hoped his children would never go through this at an age where they would understand it. The pain, the despair and the fear.

Jay's children have been through pain, despair, and loss, but they weren't too old to really fully understand. They weren't old enough to feel the pain of losing someone and well, the person they loved most in the world was Jay. So they didn't lose him and they didn't go through what Sam is going through. However, with Erin's situation this could be a big blow even for the children, but again, they were still very young. Jay knew it would be difficult to explain to his children, but his worry at the moment was right in front of him.

- Please tell me she's going to be okay. -Samantha softens in Jay's arms, she knew she didn't have much he could do, but she wanted this, she wanted at least her sister to be okay.

- She is strong. She is the strongest woman I have ever met. I know she has a lot to do here, she still has to take care of you. - Jay smiles reassuring the young woman. - She's fighting, I'm sure of it.

Jay has had many losses in his life, he doesn't talk about them, but he knows how difficult it is to go through these moments of despair. It was bad to see his friends not coming home and him to see the look on their families' faces, but it was even worse when it was with him, when it was his family, no matter how much pain he had, he survived and he hoped that Samantha wouldn't have to go through that. He wasn't wrong when he said Sam's sister was strong. She was a warrior, she fought for the ones she loved, she would fight to get back to them all.

It took a while, Samantha was in disbelief even though her sister was in serious condition, so she needed to be comforted by Jay, he hugged her and calmed her down enough.

Logan watched closely. Of all of them, he was the one who had a very normal life. Parents still together, no big or unexpected loss. He lost grandparents, but he was very young and the other set of grandparents were still alive and also together. And so, he had fewer bad moments, it was more difficult for him to know how to act in situations like this. He knew Jay's history with his children, his parents told him at the time and Sam told him a thing or two about his family, but Logan didn't know the half of their lives, he couldn't imagine how bad it was.

- What happened? How did this happen? -She was breathing slowly to try to balance her breathing and her face was swollen and with tears, but she was calmer.

-Car accident, she was going to pick up the children and when she went to cross the avenue, a truck crashed into her. - having stopped to think about it, he now realizes that it seems to have been on purpose, the truck ran the red light and fled. That part Jay would leave out.

- Why did this have to happen to her? She was so fine. - she says and starts crying again.

To that question Jay didn't have an answer and he agreed. She was so happy to go out with the kids and have time with them and all the butterflies in her stomach she was feeling about it. This really shouldn't happen.

- ASAC Halstead... - a man with a woman, both in suits, approach. Jay looks at them and immediately recognizes them. He gets up and tells Samantha that everything is fine and leaves her with Logan and takes the agents away from the girl, he knew they would have answers and Jay didn't want the girl to hear, he wanted to soften everything with words coming out of his mouth.

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