Chapter 47

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The door was open with no sign of anyone and Jay has a bad feeling. He runs to the door and sees someone lying on the sidewalk, he doesn't know who it is because the Davis girls and his daughter are around. He pulls his son into his arms and walks over.

- What is happening? - he approaches and manages to notice the man lying on the floor, he was worried about his children witnessing this, until he noticed that the man was conscious.

- He lost consciousness for a minute and fell. - Lindsay says and smiles at him reassuringly.

- And I'm telling her that I'm fine. It was nothing. - the man responds and through his voice and stubbornness he can identify who it is.

- Mr. Nevel, I know you're fine now, but it's not normal to lose consciousness and fall on the sidewalk. - Lindsay says it.

- Because I'm old? Look my... - he starts and is soon interrupted.

- Mr Nevel, if I, my girlfriend or any of these three fell to the ground because they lost consciousness we would be taking them to the hospital. No matter the age, this is not normal, this is a problem. - Jay tells him.

- I already called the ambulance. - Sam says.

- There was no need. - he complains.

- I'll call Mrs. Nevel. - Jay says taking out his cell phone. And for the first time the man doesn't complain. He didn't want his wife to worry, but he knew there wasn't much he could do, Jay would call anyway and the woman would kill him if he didn't tell him he was going to the hospital.

The ambulance arrives with Mrs. Nevel and after they leave in the ambulance everyone starts to get in. Jay goes to Lindsay and kisses her forehead.

- I was worried that something had happened. - Jay says and before his girlfriend says anything he goes to Maya. - Hey young lady, next time, you wait for me to come down to open, even if it's just Erin, Sam or Aydan, you'll wait for me. -he says, before he let it, but with the bad feeling he felt, he preferred not to risk it anymore and with that they continue. Neither woman would be offended by this, they understand where Jay is going with this and agree.

- We went to the door...

- We heard a noise and when we turned around, he was down. - says Sam.

- I'm glad you were here, I imagine what would have happened if you were already inside and no one saw you. - Jay says helping them with the shopping bags.

As soon as they enter, Jay goes upstairs with the kids to get them ready for the day. They would leave in the morning as soon as they left half of the things organized.

Erin started organizing the things she bought. When Jay came downstairs telling her that the kids wanted her to help with their hair, including Jesse. He no longer had his bowl-shaped hair, now he was a big boy with his hair cut.

- Can you let it grow again? Now he looks like a little man. - Erin says pouting. It wasn't straight hair yet, but now there wasn't that pile of hair that she loved to run her hands through and stroke.

- He's a big boy now. - says Jay, repeating his son's words. He chose it. Jay went to take it just for a trim, but Jesse wanted it because he wanted to cut his hair and Jay let him.

- I don't accept that. - She pouts and goes up. They switched places, now Jay helped Sam with the shopping.

As soon as they got down, they started organizing everything. Sam and the kids in the dining room setting the table and organizing the fruit the kids were stealing. In the kitchen, Jay was preparing the turkey and Erin was cutting things for all the food they would be cooking. It was still early and they wanted to prepare it before leaving for the parade.

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