Chapter 55

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Sam didn't even notice the change in her boyfriend, she wasn't worried about it or thinking about it. She was completely lost in thought.

As soon as she gets home, she breaks down. Thinking that Erin might never come back, that she won't have her moments with her sister anymore, destroys her inside. The fear of losing Erin coming to the surface.

- Hey... don't think about it, she'll get out of it. - Logan approaches her and hugs her. She didn't say anything, but there was no need, if she went with him, he would also be afraid of losing someone she loves so much. The house brought back many memories for Sam. - Let's get your things. - he says and she goes straight to the bedroom, wanting to get out of the apartment as quickly as possible.

She goes in and gets a bag, Logan helps her with what she tells him to get. Until he finally said what was bothering him.

- I think you'd better stay with me.

- What? - She puts another change of clothes in her bag and looks at him.

- I want you to stay with me, I can take care of you. - he approaches her.

- Thank you, Logan. - she manages to smile gently at him and his concern. - But there's no need. - she says, going back to organizing her things.

- I want it, you're my girlfriend. You need someone right now.

- I need my sister now, Logan. Do you think I care about where I'm going to stay? The only place I'll stay is in the hospital. Even if I have to sleep in the waiting room. - she warns him.

- I know yes, but you need to go somewhere to shower, rest, eat. You can stay with me. I'm not talking about moving in with me, but rather letting me take care of you while your sister doesn't come back.

- But I'm staying at Jay's house. - she says, taking some underwear. - I talked to him, you saw. - she says, not seeing Logan's anger forming.

- You have a boyfriend, you don't need to stay at his house! - Logan lets his anger speak.

- What? Like this? - Sam turns to him and only now realizes how angry he is. - Are you serious now?

- I'm Sam, you didn't even say anything. He simply told you to come home and get your things and go back to his house. You didn't even question or think. He simply accepted. You could have said you wanted to stay here or talked to me, I'm your boyfriend, but it seems like I'm the last person you think of when you need help. - he wasn't yelling, he was upset and angry and he was letting her see that.

- You got to be kidding me. - tears run down Samantha's face.


Erin didn't live at Jay's house, but it didn't make that much of a difference when she was there all the time and memories of her were everywhere. Jay entered her house and could see her children welcoming her at the entrance, lying on the living room couch watching movies.

Skye and Chase break him out of his thoughts, the puppies start barking and Jay lets them loose around the house. Jay left them trapped in his office during the day so they wouldn't destroy his house. And when he was about to pet them, he sees his bloody hand.

He almost lost her, it's her blood on his hands and on her body. Jay quickly goes up to the bathroom, avoiding thinking about the worst. He takes off his clothes, as he tries to get the horrible images out of his mind, he doesn't want them, he wants the good, good memories, good memories. He wants his wife back, he wants to hear that everything is going to be okay. That's all he wants.

Jay faces the mirror. He hadn't noticed how bloody he had become. He held Erin, but he didn't know she had lost so much blood. He knows it was because he had put his hand on her and in the middle of all the chaos he put his hand on his face, on his clothes and only now did he realize that it was stained, stained by Erin's blood. This was a nightmare.

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